Updated plan: see post #15 for latest details.
How does this sound? Brunch at「道の駅 おがわまち」and travel the length of 県道11号 to「道の駅 ちちぶ」then 国道299 to Kodaira city. I have no idea about the traffic on R299: perhaps @Tokion can help? Google is telling me it will be under 3 hours, but I am thinking 5 to 6 hours in total.
We'll think of how to kill time for those who want to continue with a late night photo shoot at Kawagoe.
So, who's interested?
We'll think of how to kill time for those who want to continue with a late night photo shoot at Kawagoe.
So, who's interested?
道の駅おがわまち (〒355-0321 埼玉県比企郡小川町小川 1220)熊谷小川秩父線 (県道11号)ヤマメの里公園駐車場 (〒355-0376 埼玉県秩父郡東秩父村皆谷)定峰峠 (〒368-0003 埼玉県秩父市定峰)
道の駅ちちぶ (〒368-0023 埼玉県秩父市大宮 4625)びっくりドンキー小平大沼店 (〒187-0001 東京都小平市大沼町 4-28-30)
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