Research the extra recommended servicing required, by the E-Ray. Make an informed decision based on all the facts. The Emira will not “Ferrari gouge” you on service costs, either. However admittedly parts will be more since it’s a lower production car based in the UK with fewer dealerships, although you’re a fool taking a C8 to just any GM dealership for warranty work. Each city has a few with good/trained C8 techs and I doubt many exist in Canada that can properly work on all aspects of the E-Ray, right now.
I debated the dealer access before buying my Emira, rather than a C8 Z06. I’m pleased with my decision, based upon the completely different and IMO better sport car ride of the Emira, which is the main point made by MotorTrend.
The E-Ray had a very frustrating and lengthy wait period for those wanting an allocation. I’m assuming, like the Z06 many like me impatiently waited for (my allocation took almost 3 years), the E-Ray has more recently become easier to get, although my next door neighbour still hasn’t heard anything about his E-Ray even though he’s always been sitting at the #1 spot on his dealer’s list. In other words, if you’re not on an E-Ray list already (with a refundable deposit), you still may have a long wait. Best to enquire and while you’re at it, I’d suggest staying on both lists so you have a choice, whenever your first allocation comes up. GM greatly reduced the Canadian C8 allocations a few years ago, shifting ours to Europe, Japan and Australia.
That said, take an Emira for a test drive. If you prefer to “rocket away from a stop sign” and beat most other vehicles 0 to 60, love the wider body C8 look, want the deeper/louder V8 rumble, but have a C8 body style vehicle you’ll see lots of, wherever you are, then the E-Ray is for you. I used to be in that camp with the Z-06, but now I’m hooked on the Emira ride/feel and happy with my almost 2 year wait to get not just an Emira allocation, but an actual delivery. Always nice to have choices but choose wisely after doing your research and knowing your preferences. Good luck!