I was bored this morning so I conducted a little experiment:
The poll at the top of this thread seems to suggest that Emira FE colour choice is remarkably evenly-split among buyers, with every colour except for Shadow Grey being consistently selected by about 18–20% of respondents.
But whenever I visit
autogespot, the colours breakdown always seems much more skewed towards darker colours. So out of curiosity, I tallied up the number of cars posted in each colour over the past year (loosely filtering out any duplicates), and the results paint a much different picture!
Looks like almost a third of Emira FE owners have picked Dark Verdant for their car, which is surprising to me given how much complaining there was on here about how dark the colour was. I guess that serves as another good reminder of how this forum isn't always a perfectly representative sample set of Emira owners worldwide!
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