Well believe it or not, I bear him no ill will. I hope he comes around to reconsidering and chooses to be more reasonable. He actually was with me at one point, so I know he can be that way if he chooses to be. Same with you. You were (on another forum) someone that I almost blocked because of the way you came into conversations, but you've changed and made an adjustment for the better. It's not easy to do, because it's not comfortable at all. But you chose to do it, and I believe are having a better time on this forum than you were on the other one. There are genuine benefits to choosing to improve social skills. It may be uncomfortable to do so at the moment, but once you get past that, the benefits are immediate and will last the rest of your life.
There was some advice that was given about 2,000 years ago, that was the single best piece of advice ever given to the human race. It was: "In everything, do towards others as you would have them do towards you." If everyone would follow that, it would literally solve virtually all the world's problems. It will never happen, but it's worth aspiring to. I always keep that in mind, and when I fall short (and I do), I realign myself to that ideal and carry on, training myself to learn to recognize the fail point where I can still choose the better path before reacting.
Life is a work in progress. At 70 I've learned that in reality, it's all just a stream of moments... then they're gone. I just lost another friend; she was only 67. I think back on all the years, the laughter, the worries, the struggles, and I think; what if I try and make every moment as good as I can? Keeping in mind that great piece of advice, which would mean making it good for others, not just for myself. What would that do? I'm still learning. Ironically though, you start to realize the more you learn, the less you know. As my years wind down, I'm training myself to recognize and appreciate the value of moments, before I reach my last one. I think that's inherently why I try and counter-balance negativity, because once these moments are gone, there's no going back. There's no redo in life.
Even though everything isn't perfect or ideal with Lotus right now, still... we're involved with getting an Emira, something VERY few people will be able to have or get. My desire is for that experience to be as positive as possible for everyone, including the people at Lotus. I would like to believe that everyone else feels that way too.