2nd check engine light in less than 500 miles


New member
Dec 14, 2024
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New Jersey
I posted a few weeks ago after getting my first check engine light with about 300 miles on the car. That code was p1302. Also got “Engine reduced acceleration” warning on display.
That all went away the next day.

Last week, I dropped off my car for full PPF and ceramic coating.
Two hours after I dropped it off, I get a phone call from them after having the car washed.
They said upon starting the car they got a low oil level warning and check engine light.
They checked the oil level and that was fine.
They checked the code and it was P223D.
Something to do with the o2 sensor.
When I got my car back this week, the check engine light was still on. I cleared it today, drove it 15 minutes without any problems. After restarting the car a few hours later the check engine light came back again.

The car has less than 500 miles.
Any ideas what can cause code P223D? Again this happened right after the car was thoroughly washed.
Should I stop driving it?
Will call the dealer on Monday but wanted to see if anyone had any insights on this?

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