3.5L engine removal process

I think so. I can't be sure of the Emira, but in the Evora, Lotus buys the transmission stock, and then replaces certain gears to get the ratios they want.
I think so. I can't be sure of the Emira, but in the Evora, Lotus buys the transmission stock, and then replaces certain gears to get the ratios they want.
From my understanding, motor is untouched except for adding super charger, transmission is rebuilt.
Woah.. do you know, or can you find out how many hours they will charge you just to disassemble & reassemble?
A UK user on here posted that the booked time for engine out and a replacement clutch bearing being fitted was 22 hours. That time is stated by Lotus but I'm sure dealers will take longer if they haven't done it before.
A UK user on here posted that the booked time for engine out and a replacement clutch bearing being fitted was 22 hours. That time is stated by Lotus but I'm sure dealers will take longer if they haven't done it before.
Yeah, usually book time is based on the third time a repair is performed by a tech. Source: Had to go to a lot of service management classes.
26000 miles. Apparently it was down to my driving style. I’m overdue doing an update on this in my journal.
Thanks. How do I see your journal? Mine had done just 500 miles and was making a huge noise from the clutch/gearbox. It’s been back at the dealers for 3 weeks, but I’m still non the wiser as to what the issue is, despite chasing them every 3 days or so.
Thanks. How do I see your journal? Mine had done just 500 miles and was making a huge noise from the clutch/gearbox. It’s been back at the dealers for 3 weeks, but I’m still non the wiser as to what the issue is, despite chasing them every 3 days or so.


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