⭐ New EmiraForum.com Supporting Membership! ⭐

The spirit of our Lotus Emira Forum has always been driven by the passion and commitment of our members. Over the years, many of you have expressed a desire to contribute to the site's growth and evolution. Today, we're thrilled to announce the launch of the EmiraForum.com Supporting Membership program, offering you the opportunity to become an integral part of our community's journey.

For just $24 per year (a mere $2 per month or 6 cents per day), you can now join forces with fellow enthusiasts and become a Supporting Member, unlocking exclusive features and privileges that will elevate your forum experience. Some of these additional perks include:
  • Emira Forum Badge under your username! (Lotus Emira Forum Supporting Member)
  • Ability to add/edit your own custom title under your username!
  • Access to the Members Only forum
  • Enable Push Notifications!
  • Edit custom title
  • Increase the number of threads & posts per page
  • Increase the number of conversations per page
  • Search direct messages/conversations
  • Upload attachments to conversations
  • New EmiraForum.com World Wide Member Map
  • Emira Forum Member Map

If this sounds like something you are interested in, and would like to sign up please click on the following link: https://www.emiraforum.com/account/upgrades

Thank you for the support!
  • Thread Starter
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  • #7
Thank you for all the support! It's very much appreciated! :D
I’m hoping karma will come back and my wife will have a trouble free Emira with our contribution…

… but who am I kidding. I’ll likely be using this forum to troubleshoot why her car only gets AM radio stations from Afghanistan.

Cheers to you forum Mods 🍻
I’m fully supportive to support this forum and glad I’m contributing. Presumably this forum doesn’t cost zero to run, perhaps if the admins were able to share some visibility on what the annual expected running costs are, or at least what are the types of costs you foresee, we might get a higher take up. Just an idea.
Bored this morning so checking out the Supporting Member features.

I increased the number of posts per page and I got the NA Delivery thread down under 400 pages. So I can now relive the excitement of hitting 500 again.
A couple of questions for the moderators…

I added my color but my badge color didn’t change. Is that feature TBD?

Member map not displaying location. Is there another privacy setting that needs to be updated to get that to display?

@supersix can we turn off the supporting member badges? I'd like to support the resource here, but I don't want the flair.
@supersix can we turn off the supporting member badges? I'd like to support the resource here, but I don't want the flair.

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