Are rear Emira OEM wheels really ET54mm??

Just as an idea, and a way to recover some of the cost... that whole set of wheels should be a perfect fitment on a V6 Emira. Any chance you could sell the complete setup (including TPMS, tires, etc) to another owner for what you've put into it, and re-order? It's super inconvenient, but if you're already having to re-do the rear wheels....
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Just as an idea, and a way to recover some of the cost... that whole set of wheels should be a perfect fitment on a V6 Emira. Any chance you could sell the complete setup (including TPMS, tires, etc) to another owner for what you've put into it, and re-order? It's super inconvenient, but if you're already having to re-do the rear wheels....
I’m in China and have better things to do than take a hit and deal with that shit. The Lotus specialist supplier that is also in China is better positioned to find a customer for some V6 spec wheels than I am.

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