'Cheap' audio Upgrade help!

The audio in the Emira is so bad that I have to take my car back to the dealer 100 miles away to see if it's broken. If it turns out my audio works as designed I am going to be pretty dissapointed.
You can always use this.


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The audio in the Emira is so bad that I have to take my car back to the dealer 100 miles away to see if it's broken. If it turns out my audio works as designed I am going to be pretty dissapointed.
Prepare for disappointment. :confused:
The audio in the Emira is so bad that I have to take my car back to the dealer 100 miles away to see if it's broken. If it turns out my audio works as designed I am going to be pretty dissapointed.
It's not that bad 🤭

I added a sub to mine and it made a world of difference, but I even find myself driving more with the radio turned off than on
the audio is weak and it’s fighting a lot of road noise and wind. Although this is a coupe, I hear more exterior noise that it feels like a soft top. It’s fine for me as I enjoy the sound of the road but after a three day road trip. My 7 hour drive home, I was hoping for some quiet and a nice stereo. First world issues I suppose.

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