My car has the exact same problem. After a week at the lotus dealer they just phoned me that the Q8 100 octanes fuel I've been using lately is the cause (lotus also confirmed this). Here is a video of what happens to me.. Solution? use all that fuel and make at least three full tanks of normal fuel. I'll let u know if this solves it.Here’s a vid that shows what my car does on a cold start.
Note I had to edit out the 5-10 second gap between start attempts as the file was too large, but it shows the failed first start and the perfect second start.
At this stage Lotus seem to be pretty clueless. The software update certainly made no difference at all.
I‘m also now of the view that it’s not fuel related as I’ve tried several different brands (all 98) since this issue began with no difference in starting.
Latest from the dealer is that they’ll probably need the car for a few days to let it get completely cold and then they’ll hook up a bunch of diagnostics and do a start. Hopefully that will show what is going on.
There are no warning lights or malfunctions with the car of any sort apart from this.
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