Dead Battery


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2022
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Not used my car for about 8 weeks and battery now dead as a doe doe. Can’t seem to charge it up. I have tried jump leads and tried connecting a battery pack to the battery to get some charge into it and then connecting battery charger but nothing. I appreciate when the battery is dead you need to try and get some power into it so the charger can work but can’t manage this. Anyone have any other ideas, or, do I need to replace the battery? Only got the car last March so would like to avoid a new battery if possible. I do have a tracker on it which stopped working.
From experience, once a battery dies, its never as good as it should be, ever again
Even if you can get this one working, I would suggest replacing it soon after, so maybe just better to get a new one now and avoid the hassle of getting the old one working
Obvious suggestion, get a trickle charger, horse bolted and all that, but at least should stop the next battery from dying
I don’t want to hijack this thread, but what about changing it for a Li-Ion battery? I know it’s more money, but I fitted one to a Ducati and the charge lasted way longer than a lead acid. I could ‘overwinter’ my Ducati without having it on a trickle charger and it would fire up straightaway even after 4-5 months. The original lead acid needed charging every 4 weeks.
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Not used my car for about 8 weeks and battery now dead as a doe doe. Can’t seem to charge it up. I have tried jump leads and tried connecting a battery pack to the battery to get some charge into it and then connecting battery charger but nothing. I appreciate when the battery is dead you need to try and get some power into it so the charger can work but can’t manage this. Anyone have any other ideas, or, do I need to replace the battery? Only got the car last March so would like to avoid a new battery if possible. I do have a tracker on it which stopped working.
Got this one for mine; plenty of power, don't need to keep it on a trickle charger. Plus it removes about 30 lbs from the back of the car. The 40ah is plenty, and it fits right into the factory mounts.

Got this one for mine; plenty of power, don't need to keep it on a trickle charger. Plus it removes about 30 lbs from the back of the car. The 40ah is plenty, and it fits right into the factory mounts.

I’ll probably look at one of them as well, when my car’s back. How long have you left it without charging and it’s worked fine?

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