I suspect you're OK now
Jimothy (welcome to the Forum BTW) and found not only the panel, but also the "pull loop" to manually open the trunk. For anyone else, there are a couple posts on this Forum, giving directions. Should it help someone who comes across this thread, here's part of one I made some 5 months ago, with a few minor changes:
I pried open the small interior panel behind the driver seat (left side of car), along the side wall. Fun task; it was very tight and hard to pull open on its right edge. Looked underneath for the "red pull loop" as shown in the booklet, for the manual trunk release. Couldn't see it, nor any other "loop". Asked my daughter to help, with her smaller hands and ability to reach in further and feel for the loop. She finally spotted it: it was BLACK and jammed against the right side (not in far) and one tug, easily opened the trunk.
The main point of this posting, is to let everyone know that it may not be a red loop (mine was black) and describe how I located mine, should that help others. Hopefully this won't be an issue for you.