ECU Tune

Well that sucks if Lotus didn't upgrade a single part in the transmission as it's been an issue for over a decade. Making these parts stronger is extremely easy to do and would no doubt be another big let down if they didn't. Same exact engine and trans and 90% of the same suspension components. And people wonder why Chris Harris calls it an updated Evora
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I run a 2017 version of this motor, so very similar with a bit of an update. I almost always immediately stick it in sport mode as a minimum when driving. This tightens the throttle and speed up the gear responses dramatically and although it turns off some of the eco things like coasting I find it has no measurable impact on general economy. If I fancy a spirited run I'll use sport plus mode if the roods are smooth or, for the typical and usually rough British B road, I have a custom mode set up with tight throttle and gears but the softer suspension. I find race mode a bit too brutal to use regularly but OK for a bit of fun.

Quite often I'll just take full manual control either permanently by setting the box to manual or by overriding, and since the override holds for quite a while I usually find it stays in manual from corner to corner as I'm changing gears often enough.

I agree the standard mode is slushy; it's like there's an elastic band in the throttle link and the gears seem to be half asleep. Try some of the other modes / manual and you'll find a more responsive drive.

Hope this helps.
Id heard that the latest model AMG with new 8 speed gearbox was better - havent tried it myself though.
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Really a missed opportunity not to pair the V6 with a DCT. I can't understand why they didn't consider this...
One of the few confusing things about this car. Understandable at 60k. Not so at 100k.
There is another option in the pipeline as well, but will be later this year before anything is released.
There is another option in the pipeline as well, but will be later this year before anything is released.
I'm pretty sure there will be several options as we get closer to Q3/Q4 of this year. Since the Engine is the same, it wont be such a hard pressed task to unlock the ECU for the EMIRA.
I'm pretty sure there will be several options as we get closer to Q3/Q4 of this year. Since the Engine is the same, it wont be such a hard pressed task to unlock the ECU for the EMIRA.
While the engine is the same, the ecu is different to my knowledge, not entirely sure how different. Maybe an updated efi tech ecu unless Lotus went with an totally different unit.
The problem in the past has been just lack of interest from tuners because of such a low volume car, hopefully that will change.
Not sure how places in the US/CA are saying they have something in development with no cars?

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