Emira i4 reviews

Why do I feel that adding more electronics to the Emira at the moment is a bad idea. I hope they do not add this to the V2 F/E for US/CAN.
You can see how the number plate plinth sits below the ADAS sensor pod on this prototype:

You can see how the number plate plinth sits below the ADAS sensor pod on this prototype:
Interested in how this is going to play out for the taller Japanese and maybe US plates.
(no worries for me, my V6 FE will not have ADAS)
Why would Lotus put this only on the i4 and then not show it in any spec list or on the online configuration? If the i4 did have adaptive cruise control, lane assist etc surely that would be something to make a point of from the manufacturer’s pov
Why would Lotus put this only on the i4 and then not show it in any spec list or on the online configuration? If the i4 did have adaptive cruise control, lane assist etc surely that would be something to make a point of from the manufacturer’s pov
So not to piss of the V6 FE owners
V6 FE owners were happy to buy the car without it. TBH unless you're doing lots of motorway miles, which seems unlikely in the UK anyway, I'm not sure why anyone would be bothered if it is there or not!
I read way back that it had adaptive cruise control.

Then it seemed to have disappeared.

However, now it's back, in my opinion it only really lends itself to an auto, and now I've seen it I can't get past the animal nose appearance. I get it's a very hard thing to hide - could hardly see it on my Audi S6, but the front end is hugely different.

Can you spec it without? (I'm spec'd V6... at the moment).

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Where did you see ''the first 150 China cars are pre production and full of niggles'? I was just commenting that if these cars have been built, its strange no one from the motoring press has reported on them. For me, the i4 engine/DCT is the one I want - hopefully it will not dissapoint.
They have gone to China. There is a big firewall in China so nobody is going to be posting reviews to youtube from China.
I was at the factory yesterday in shut down. There are cars all over the place just loads of em. Plenty of i4s destined for China. If the badging doesnt give them away the ADAS sensor pod above the reg plate mount does.
I assume we all know China gets 400hp I4....and we don't....
So does China's I4 get 400hp? It must be easy to tune ours then.

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