Emira i4 with 509hp/633Nm

Next: will do a piggyback tuning after my tuner sort out the cable connection part modifications.
Would be very interested to hear your results on the piggyback tune as this is what I have been trying to find for mine ( also with the sports cat fitted)
I don’t want to go down the ECU tune route until the warranty expires
Just intalled the downpipe and drove back home. Haven't really pushed but slightly reved a little.
Quick thoughts: faster throttle response, obviously more torque now (the torque meter clocked to 430NM very early and obviously it's more than the frozen 430NM, I would say 480NM is quite a fair number now.)
It's a proper beast now, sound is better roar if not wild. So far no CEL and no smell, but will see if it can sustain a 15mins sprint mountain run in the weekend, even the stock condition will have CEL if run it hot enough.
Happily, in the tour mode the sound difference is negligable, because it's my wife's daily shopping car... :ROFLMAO:

Conclusion: satisfaction!

Next: will do a piggyback tuning after my tuner sort out the cable connection part modifications.
Very interested to see how the piggyback tune goes.
I have the GRP downpipe and exhaust fitted now. Its a beast!!!!!! But it does throw a CEL. So I'm working on removing this. Does anybody know why the pops and bangs disappear when the CEL is on???
Just intalled the downpipe and drove back home. Haven't really pushed but slightly reved a little.
Quick thoughts: faster throttle response, obviously more torque now (the torque meter clocked to 430NM very early and obviously it's more than the frozen 430NM, I would say 480NM is quite a fair number now.)
It's a proper beast now, sound is better roar if not wild. So far no CEL and no smell, but will see if it can sustain a 15mins sprint mountain run in the weekend, even the stock condition will have CEL if run it hot enough.
Happily, in the tour mode the sound difference is negligable, because it's my wife's daily shopping car... :ROFLMAO:

Conclusion: satisfaction!

Next: will do a piggyback tuning after my tuner sort out the cable connection part modifications.
Just to give you a heads up there are over 10 cars that have defective injectors here in China, and if you get caught using a piggyback, warranty will be declined to replace the injector by Lotus England. All warranty claims have to go through Lotus England to get approval and the local dealer has to provide a full diagnostic test. One of my friends got rejected for the injector warranty claim for his CAI and piggyback which he had them replaced before the warranty claim and still dealer was able to find out from a full diagnostic test, so he ended up paying full price for a new one.
Very interested to see how the piggyback tune goes.
I have the GRP downpipe and exhaust fitted now. Its a beast!!!!!! But it does throw a CEL. So I'm working on removing this. Does anybody know why the pops and bangs disappear when the CEL is on???
Downpipe that triggers CEL will not detune power, however exhaust that triggers CEL will detune power because most likely it is related to the value mechanism and the software is very strict on it. What brand of downpipe and exhaust did you get?
Downpipe that triggers CEL will not detune power, however exhaust that triggers CEL will detune power because most likely it is related to the value mechanism and the software is very strict on it. What brand of downpipe and exhaust did you get?
I went with GRP for both downpipe and exhaust. I'm extremely happy with the sound, it's mad. Just need to work around the CEL.

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