Update on this for the benefit of those noting the brake issue.Correct. The other issues are insignificant now. I could have returned it for the speaker replacement (and knock sensor which is another part that needs replacing I’m told) but the brakes issue means it’s effectively in jail at the dealer and is sat outside in the customer car park (according to my tracker) until x / y or z date.
No brake disks or pads available and it’s pending central’s response as to when.
I received my car back yesterday, 24th January (it was taken in on January 9th).
Parts replaced;
Oxygen sensor (I’m not sure if this is also known as the knock sensor) which was to help fix the juddering. Not 100% certain it’s fixed yet but I’ve only done a few short journeys so hard to be sure either way.
Rear KEF speaker behind driver seat. No heavy vibrations now. Audio remains underwhelming but I’ve noted others saying radio / Bluetooth streaming is poor compared to physically plugging in so will hold out hope this is the case, albeit not ideal as I would typically stream audio via BT.
Engine management / emissions light. Was reset but remains illuminated after driving away from the dealership. Due to be corrected once software update available. Interested how this isn’t affecting all others from the first batches but nothing overly concerning.
Tracker replaced on day 2. Not worth the money. Anyone who has one can see for themselves it will be out in less than 10 seconds. It’s not hidden or behind the dash / console as anticipated (I’ll not disclose its location for obvious reasons). Still unable to find anyone who has push notifications working. Email to lotus cc pending reply as scorpion said they couldn’t help beyond confirming all my settings were correct.
Front Brake disks were corroded (a shock to me and the lotus engineers at the dealership) and the pads had fractured in places. Very alarming as I hadn’t noticed and wouldn’t have if it wasn’t in for the above issues. This is what took over 2 weeks to resolve. After week 1, central said they’d take some from the production line and send them to the dealer. The dealer got a call the day after to say they’d changed their mind and now had no idea when they’d send them. Another week later, they had arrived and promptly fitted. 15 days without the car though due to a lack of consumable parts that central were not prepared to take from stock.
Needless to say I’m not overly happy but I’ll leave the emotion out of it with the above simply to let interested folk know how it panned out in case similar technical issues occur for others.