Factory Tour - Production watch!

A deposit today is about 68-73 weeks until delivery for UK, so November 2023. That would be into 2024 for US delivery, ignoring any big differences in allocations between dealers. 2025 is still 129 weeks away.

Once demo cars arrive at dealers and customer cars get out there I expect the 70ish week lead time will quickly lengthen. 2023 capacity is essentially all sold but they'll need to take another 7,500 deposits to fill up 2024 production.
I placed my deposit in October 2021. On 4th May I received an email stating my car is scheduled for completion Summer 2023!
We have had 2 delays announced since then I think so autumn 23 earliest!
Wouldn't surprise me to hit 2 years from order to delivery😭😭😭😭
A DV car definitely exists - excuse poor quality of dashcam footage! - and not being able to keep up with it - I was only in a Yaris Cross!

EDIT: video hosting location changed as transfer limit reached for original location....
thats a great looking car, what is it? can I get one?
but seriously, it is great even with the grainy dash cam, which gets better focus afterwards
As of today, CS expect to receive the first 130 car production schedule within the next 10 working days........sooner rather than later was the comment that caught my ear as that means CS and Production are talking. But I'm an optimist. Emails will ping accordingly........
Listening to all the latest tunes there 😛
yes embarrassingly was tuned to Radio 2 at the time, DAB reception for local radio stations is patchy to say the least.

Thank goodness I didn't start singing along to anything!

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