Hi, putting together my own observations with some other comments on the forum about how light or dark it is, I've come to the following conclusion:
When I saw Seneca cars and panels in the factory they looked darker than I remembered, when i saw it at the roadshow and most of videos and stills that we've all seen. When I saw it outdoors it did look lighter - more as I remembered it.
I'm pretty sure what is a happening is the very fine metallic component in Seneca is lightening the whole hue when it has plentiful light, so it will appear lighter a good bit of the time. I don't ever read the blue as light enough to be a "baby blue" to use someone else's terminology, or in any way not a masculine colour (with apologies to the ladies on the for me as it is most definitely not all about the blokes, neither should it be!)
It still reminds me of the French national motorsport colour, French Racing Blue (like British racing Green) a seen on old F1 cars, Gordinis, Alpines and the like - and that is a great-looking, classic, timeless colour - with a modern twist from the Lotus Design gurus: Peter Horbury, Russell Carr and their great team.