Has anyone installed the GRP Adjustable Lowering Kit? Looking for feedback.


Emira Fanatic
Mar 2, 2023
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC, USA
Emira Status
Emira Owner
Hey Emira Lovers,

I'm looking for any feedback from people who have installed the GRP Adjustable Lowering Kit. Specifically, I'd like to hear feedback about the following:

1. How is ground clearance with the car lowered and how much did you lower it? The car is amazing going over speedbumps and such in its stock form. I'm curious to know how it functions in the real world with this setup.
2. Is handling noticeably affected (either positively or negatively?)
3. How difficult was the install if you did it yourself?

The car looks good stock and I'm more OK with the wheel gap than I thought I would be. That said, I know it would look even better if it was a bit more dialed in in terms of the wheel fit/spacing in the wheel wells, hence I'm still considering this at some point.


Thanks in advance!
I'm now the owner of the Seneca blue Emira in the video posted above, the car belonged to Mark McCann, YouTube/Instagram/TikTok, before he sold it to Tom Hartley cars.

I've had the car raised about 15mm from what was shown in the video as the ride was too harsh over West Yorkshire potholes, sorry, roads. The car has sport suspension and does sit lower but is now acceptable to drive on UK roads. Speed bumps and steep incline approaches still cause a bit of a problem, the front splitter now has road rash underneath, but not as bad as when it was lowered in the video.

The carbon parts make the car stand out even more, I'm amazed at how many people have asked if it is a McLaren or a Ferrari, obviously not car nuts. 😏

More car pics on Instagram, @Man.v.Cars


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I'm now the owner of the Seneca blue Emira in the video posted above, the car belonged to Mark McCann, YouTube/Instagram/TikTok, before he sold it to Tom Hartley cars.

I've had the car raised about 15mm from what was shown in the video as the ride was too harsh over West Yorkshire potholes, sorry, roads. The car has sport suspension and does sit lower but is now acceptable to drive on UK roads. Speed bumps and steep incline approaches still cause a bit of a problem, the front splitter now has road rash underneath, but not as bad as when it was lowered in the video.

The carbon parts make the car stand out even more, I'm amazed at how many people have asked if it is a McLaren or a Ferrari, obviously not car nuts. 😏

More car pics on Instagram, @Man.v.Cars

Nice! Welcome to the forum!
I have the sport suspension and find the roll to only be impactful on track.

Any stress for speedbumps are only those that are so significant that in any car you would have to be mindful of them. I find it is only one or two locations that the plastic pucks that protect the underside of the car at the front will sometimes just touch.

The beauty of the adjustable cups though is that if you slam it and you get concerned about scraping you can just readjust them and bring them up to closer to factory height.

The ride is only slightly harsher and not at a level that is concerning considering it is a lotus after all.

For a few hundred dollars the aesthetic reason alone is worth it in my opinion.

Usually, lowering requires an alignment, was that also part of the process?

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