Has there been any leak regarding the Emira V6 lap time round Hethel


Emira Fiend
Dec 12, 2021
Reaction score
Hong Kong/UK

I am presuming that due to the better aerodynamics, the v6 Emira will get round Hethel quicker than any of the previous Evora's

I am sure I read somewhere that Gavan Kershaw was quoted as saying it was quicker, but can't find where I read it, or maybe I just imagined it

I will track the Emira but times do not matter one jot to me. Never have, even on motorcycles.
I just enjoy it so it will mostly come down to how it feels driving it on track,
from my aggressive drive I believe it will be a lot of fun and have uncanny levels of mechanical grip and that g-force in the bends will bring the smile.

We already know it will have little punch out of a bend so it will be about entry and maintaining that speed with the right gear.

I suspect we will still some relatively excellent times from normal drivers.

Has nobody time a Gavin lap when he wasn't hanging the end out?
Slight revival of an old thread (and my first post no less :oops:) But I've found some info that may answer some questions. There's a video that shows Gavan thrashing an Emira gt4 around Hethel and based on what I've calculated, the lap time for the GT4 Emira is 1:26.
Here's the link
He's running with a passenger which is likely more realistic of a full weight Emira but this may be useful for some people. :)
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So fast forward 3 years and we still have no (in)official laptime of the Emira on Hethel testtrack?

If the Enira GT4 (!) did it in 1:26, the normal Emira V6 must surely be a lot slower…
Well, an ex Mclaren and current Lotus test driver I met said it was clear step above an exige, evira and most Mclarens.
Micht have meant in terms of ease of going fast and handling for beginners.

Hmm I would take that with a grain of salt. And certainly doesnt explain why there is still no laptime published. I think a lot of people would be curious where the emira stands compared to the other Lotus.
I went around the track with an unofficial lap time (timed by a spectator) of 1:53.83 if that helps.

In my defence, they built in an extra chicane at Chapman to prevent speeds getting too high on entry into Windsock Corner, so that probably accounts for any differences between my time and what Gavin Kershaw could do it in 🤣.

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