How many miles are you guys getting out of your tires?


Well-known member
Mar 30, 2022
Reaction score
South Florida
Was in for a nice surprise when I looked under the car today. I'm on the Eagle F1s and the sport suspension. I have about 6200 miles on the car.
Mines have seen roughly 8.000 miles And the rears are nearly done.

I had once the same issue with my Speedster, I think it‘s a combination of a lot of camber at the rear and spinning the wheels at low speeds.

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I’m thinking the same. Looks like rear camber and driving the car hard in a straight line and not sideways. I would get your alignment checked if you haven’t already. Else you’ll run through these new tires quickly. If the alignment is in spec I would ask for a less aggressive alignment to improve tire wear based on your driving habits.

This is the same thing that happens if you get your car setup for the track with lots of camber and never change it back after the track day. Your normal driving prematurely wears the inner tire.
No track days. eagle F1s 18000 miles. Back getting a little easyier to slide. In sport in the wet and track in the dry. Checked on Friday, just reached the wear marker. New ones go on on Friday

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