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So just put mine in Car Capsule and tried to use the Lotus Battery Tender and its 25 degrees and I could not get hood
to latch to catch and keep lights off... I ended up using my Old Battery tender for the cable is much thinner
and allowed hood to latch...
Its to cold to play around but has anyone found a Route to run wire and not have to lift hood to plug battery tender in..
Route it using the opening under the rear glass. Careful not to scratch the paint under the glass with cord end.
Route it using the opening under the rear glass. Careful not to scratch the paint under the glass with cord end.
Never owned a car that needed a battery tender....how long do you believe that battery will hold between drives, 2-3 weeks?
Never owned a car that needed a battery tender....how long do you believe that battery will hold between drives, 2-3 weeks?
the battery tender should be used for storage, I have let my car sit about a week without issue, but I normally have it plugged in all the time, same with my other cars.

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