Increase in road tax (VED) to hit the Lotus Emira V6

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This is just for the first year road tax for new vehicles after April 2025.
Ah, yes, I did miss that out in the post...duly corrected.

Have been away from this forum for a while, so may not be up to speed, but when is Emira V6 production due to cease, if this is not already on the cards or it has happened already?
Ah, yes, I did miss that out in the post...duly corrected.

Have been away from this forum for a while, so may not be up to speed, but when is Emira V6 production due to cease, if this is not already on the cards or it has happened already?
UK deliveries should be 2025 onwards.
My original order was 2025 before I cancelled and got an orphan.
There was a time when the Lotus configurator was saying 2026 but it's reverted to 2025.
When production ends is anybodies guess these days but 2027 has been mentioned.
<2025 Emira road tax year 2 to 6 will, according to this video, be going up from £600/ year to £795/ year.

Anyone got any gunpowder? I loath my Government.

<2025 Emira road tax year 2 to 6 will, according to this video, be going up from £600/ year to £795/ year.

Anyone got any gunpowder? I loath my Government.

Its amazing to see how the UK is cutting its self off at the knees with such stong anti energy policy.

These taxes just keep pushing a strong agenda for a region rich is resources.

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