Is it ideal to sit low in these cars ?


Emira Fan
Aug 17, 2023
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Hi there

Do most drivers prefer to sit low in these cars ?

I prefer to have the seat higher because I feel I have more visibility and I like the feeling of the car “under” me

But I am now considering going low if that is the best way to drive these things.

Just curious how you guys prefer it.
Wow, 3" lower is a game changer. Is that in a hard core racing bucket? Or are there any similar options that are reasonable for a weekend, back roads car?

I have used mine for 8 months. Miles better than the standard seats. Not a compromise at all in my opinion.
To be really critical of my own product, these are the downsides that some may not like over the standard seats.
There is more road feel, but not in any way uncomfortable and to me that road feel is needed in a car of this type. It's not meant for an old ladies trip to the supermarket.
It doesn't allow you to fall into the car like a sack of spuds. You need to lower yourself in because of the firm support edges.
No air bags in the sides of the seat. However, locked in position with this seat you would not move and I think you are safer than sitting on top of a largely flat seat and relying on a one time air bag going off.
No electric adjustment. But countering that, the 30 kgs saved appeals to me far more. Once you have your position you don't move it anyway. Even my 5ft 3 inch daughter drove it two hours to do that promo video you may have seen. As it was set for me, she had a cushion to lift her but with more time the seat could have been permanently set for her. She is a racer herself and loved driving the car.
Air bag warning lights need dealing with. I am hoping the resistor trick that a Dutch dealer has told me about will work when I have the car reset at the dealer. I have had these dash lights on for eight months and frankly I don't even notice it. There is no seat belt dinging going on which is nice.
Some might worry about the rear storage access gap behind the seats being restricted. However, because the seat is so thin, with one seat forward and one back and the bags pass through the centre, this gap and the final storage area left is actually larger.

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