I would respectfully disagree with
@Toomanyloti for the following reason;
In his/her own words "
I have never driven a PDK or for that matter any other DCT so I cant help you compare. "
So having never driven a DCT or Porsche's version PDK, I do not see how any conclusion can be made regarding the OP's question - "Is the [Emira's] Automatic as good as Porsche PDK?".
I thought many of my Sports Cars with Torque Converter Transmissions were just fine, until...... until a drove a Porsche PDK transmission and then it was "Game Over". Huge difference in how the car responds and drives! Now every car with a Torque Converter (Slush Box) transmission that I drive is noticeably crap IMHO. Why?
The technology of a Dual Clutch Transmission when implemented correctly, is far superior to that of a Torque Converter transmission. With a Torque Converter transmission, you press the throttle, the Engine spools up and roars to life and you just go nowhere until the torque converter builds pressure and even then you lose so much power as the engine is never in direct connection to the wheels. This is why it is referred to as a "Slush Box".
A PDK or Dual Clutch Transmission can be described as a Manual Transmission with two clutches that are servo controlled. Direct connection to the wheels with no Torque Converter fluid power loss - just like a standard manual transmission with a clutch.
Maybe I am a Transmission "Snob" yet once I drove a PDK, I would never buy another Sports Car with a Slush Box transmission. And each time I get into a Sports or "Sporty" car with a TC tranny, I can immediately feel all the slippage in the transmission..... Lots of Engine Revs, not much forward movement.
So my suggestion to the OP, since He/She has a Porsche PDK, is to go refresh your memory and drive anything with a Slush Box tranny and you will remind yourself of the significant difference in these technologies.
I am not disputing that
@Toomanyloti likes the Auto Transmission in the V6 Emira, just that having never driven a PDK, he/she does not know what he/she is missing.
In full disclosure, I have driven over 130,000 miles across 2 different Porsche PDKs (which I still own) and love their performance. They are vastly superior to any TC tranny.