Leaky windows

I have had leaks on pressure washer on both sides. Never tried a hose only. I used the grease mentioned above but still getting the leak. If anyone finds a fix using a power washer that would be nice!
I’d let the dealer address the issue; it shouldn’t leak or whistle at speed.
I’d let the dealer address the issue; it shouldn’t leak or whistle at speed.
Yeah would hate to go 3 hours to the dealership and have the car in the shop for it just to be a bad design. The power washing pressure could be the issue. I will use a hose like if it’s raining and test it.

Has anyone used a power washer and the windows don’t leak?
Yeah would hate to go 3 hours to the dealership and have the car in the shop for it just to be a bad design. The power washing pressure could be the issue. I will use a hose like if it’s raining and test it.

Has anyone used a power washer and the windows don’t leak?
Power washer, kind of
I use a snow foam lance attached to a power washer, so not really pushing out true high pressure, and then rinsing it off on the lowest setting the power washer has, which is slightly more than a normal hose, but again, not exactly high pressure either
No issues SO FAR, with water ingress.
Yeah would hate to go 3 hours to the dealership and have the car in the shop for it just to be a bad design. The power washing pressure could be the issue. I will use a hose like if it’s raining and test it.

Has anyone used a power washer and the windows don’t leak?
I’ve used a pressure washer to rinse the snow foam off and then to rinse the shampoo off. I do stand back when I spray around the windows (thereby reducing the pressure), but I’ve never had any water get into the car. I used to do the same with my Evora and that would sometimes have a couple of drips on the inside of the window.

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