I may not be one to talk, although thats never stopped me so far, but this thread is for people to explain why they cancelled their orders right....Ive read 3 pages and can't see hardly anyone actually cancelling or explaining why they did so,

, but well at least my posts get deleted for being off topic or aggressive towards others in the east midlands.... cant see whats wrong with that

I would say from a business point of view, with the model Lotus have chosen of releasing the first car with everything on it, it would be a terrible idea to let people change to the base edition and I certainly would not allow it if I were them. Imagine, people found out the Kef sound system is pretty awful and the seats are at best average, why then are we paying 15-17k extra for them?? Obviously at that point, many MANY people including myself would love to swap to a base edition and save this money, by getting none electric seats, maybe more comfy, and a normal stereo, which cant be much worse.
However, again, from Lotus's point of view, the cash cow of the FE would fall apart and there would be so many people switching their whole profit model would collapse. Hence, is it so hard to understand that they cant let anyone change, as if they let one person change, be they legacy, be they newby, be they polite and never bother anyone, or someone who calls CS every 2nd day, it would potentially lead to hundreds of requests to change. Bad business practise.... you're in or you're out (I dont know where I am, but one rule for one and another for others is good with me

Finally, I guess 10% of people who have ordered an Emira are on here or have passed through here, maybe 2 3 or even 5% are regularly on here. And if you weren't on here, you would have far less of a sounding board to shout at and not many would listen to you. Hence, your complaints (and mine) would fall on deaf ears, your wife could not give a xxxx, just as the upper management and head of lotus CS dont. This would possibly mean that in many cases you just accept the delays and lack of communication and await your car patiently, or CANCEL.... But without all the crap flowing through here, perhaps there is less likelihood of cancelling? Here is a place for anger and frustration to fester... and it makes it worse. Its like going to prison... you meet more bloody criminals, worse than yourself.. haha
I estimate, from this forum quite a few will / have cancelled, be interesting to know the actual number... maybe not more than 10-15% in reality and perhaps as low as 5%? Away from here perhaps there are even less cancellations, or maybe more now with interest rates..... Just saying, being on here I think its more likely you will be OUT..... but I dont think you can be in and out, have your cake and eat it. Speaking of which, my italian neighbour, cross fit champion (female) brought me some cake from her local home town...if anyone wants it, there is almond essence present and if there is one thing I dislike more than the yaris GR and Alpine, its almond essence
