Members from the Carolinas

At last, more Meridian Blue owners............... was beginning to think I was going to be the only one :)
The color is amazing and I think a bit more unique from many other mfr blues you see on the road. You can also still see the beautiful lines of the car well in this color. Everyone has their individual tastes and to be honest I think this car looks amazing in all the color options that are available, but once you see this color in person, I know i made the right choice for me.
The color is amazing and I think a bit more unique from many other mfr blues you see on the road. You can also still see the beautiful lines of the car well in this color. Everyone has their individual tastes and to be honest I think this car looks amazing in all the color options that are available, but once you see this color in person, I know i made the right choice for me.
Which is exactly why I ordered Meridian, but jumped on the orphaned Seneca! They all look great!!!

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