New colours available in Canada for the 2025 V6, available for a limited time, must be ordered by the end of February.


Jan 11, 2024
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC
New colours available in Canada for the 2025 V6!



Nice. I can’t imagine this is Canada specific. Surely it’s North American at minimum. Leave it to lotus for things to come out this way with some logo-less images getting leaked from an arbitrary dealer. Hopefully it’s legit.
Was also told by my dealer that these colors would be available for USA too or at least he received an email about them. He also had pictures of the color sample discs which were more realistic versus these renderings.
I find these images very interesting lol.

I did this 3D render on December 26, 2021

Chrome O.png

It's also interesting to see their choice of setting; car on a concrete slab with mountains in the distance.

I did this one a few weeks later in January 2022.

Emira Krypton 1.png


Yeah and once again, for some reason their rendered examples aren't close to the actual paint samples. The prices though.... !
I saw an Emira wrapped in sky blue which I thought looked amazing with the full black pack on.
Each dealer in Canada gets one of each colour.

Here is a better pic of the Dark Green Metallic.


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orange looks cool.... Does anyone know why Lotus is incapable of updating its configurator with accurate pricing? At this point they may as well wait until 2026 model year lol. Make it make sense.
orange looks cool.... Does anyone know why Lotus is incapable of updating its configurator with accurate pricing? At this point they may as well wait until 2026 model year lol. Make it make sense.

Remember when they told us it was impossible to get accurate pictures of the FE colors? And then told us the pics were coming.. for months.. and months.. and then just never came until a forum members went to the factory and took video and pics themselves?
Remember when they told us it was impossible to get accurate pictures of the FE colors? And then told us the pics were coming.. for months.. and months.. and then just never came until a forum members went to the factory and took video and pics themselves?
Not much has changed has it... Lotus - what a company. At this point it's a bit embarrassing tho.

Hot take: are these rejected cars with paint bubbling, that needed a respray anyway, so they tarted them up as "limited edition" while they were at it... ? 🤨 😁
This is very much entirely realistic!
I reached out to my dealer and they can switch my order to one of these colors. He confirmed the pricing in the pics. I was told orders needed to be in by Feb 14th and they wouldn't be getting any chips in before then to see it in person. I was told that there were only 50 of each color being made.

I certainly want one but none really go with the red interior which I also love. I might try to swing by the dealer and resit in the various interiors and decide on that.

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