I certainly agree. I think that the Australian letter on another thread really spells it out especially as they are RHD, so no difference to UK cars. I wonder if they are looking at damage limitation? The longer they can leave it before they officially say anything, the closer we get to the build date. This may mean more people to decide to hang on rather than pull deposits. Having said that Q2 next year does seem a long time away, it is really next spring/early summer and we are still in autumn with winter yet to come.
I fully expect that Lotus will say next April when everyone reminds them we are in Q2, that Lotus say "Oh, we meant the quarters based on the financial year, so Q2 starts in July through to September."

The only benefit for the auto buyers (trying to be positive here) is that we will have lots more information with real world reviews of the early cars, we will know (hopefully) the base cost/specs and also know more about the I4 and I think there may be more deposit holders like me who will use this information to inform their choice. I'm sorry, but this does not help anyone with their heart set on getting in a V6 auto as soon as possible, I don't want to appear smug now I have my 'fancy pants' Alpine to drive around in.