Poll for Those with Paint Blistering / Bubbling Defect

Does your Emira have any Paint Blistering/Bubbling issues, and if it does, when was it manufactured?

  • My Emira does not have any Paint Blistering/Bubbling Issues

    Votes: 113 65.3%
  • My Emira does have Paint Blistering/Bubbling Issues: Manufacture date (Prior to 01/23)

    Votes: 16 9.2%
  • My Emira does have Paint Blistering/Bubbling Issues: Manufacture date (01/23)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • My Emira does have Paint Blistering/Bubbling Issues: Manufacture date (02/23)

    Votes: 3 1.7%
  • My Emira does have Paint Blistering/Bubbling Issues: Manufacture date (03/23)

    Votes: 12 6.9%
  • My Emira does have Paint Blistering/Bubbling Issues: Manufacture date (04/23)

    Votes: 5 2.9%
  • My Emira does have Paint Blistering/Bubbling Issues: Manufacture date (05/23)

    Votes: 4 2.3%
  • My Emira does have Paint Blistering/Bubbling Issues: Manufacture date (06/23)

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • My Emira does have Paint Blistering/Bubbling Issues: Manufacture date (07/23)

    Votes: 3 1.7%
  • My Emira does have Paint Blistering/Bubbling Issues: Manufacture date (08/23)

    Votes: 3 1.7%
  • My Emira does have Paint Blistering/Bubbling Issues: Manufacture date (09/23)

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • My Emira does have Paint Blistering/Bubbling Issues: Manufacture date (10/23)

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • My Emira does have Paint Blistering/Bubbling Issues: Manufacture date (After 10/23)

    Votes: 11 6.4%

  • Total voters
I have read all the 35 pages of this. I’ve also looked at the poll. Still feel none the wiser. It doesn’t appear that ‘every’ Emira has or will suffer from this issue. That would indicate the problem isn’t universal- it’s not every set of doors or all panels on all cars.
That said, it’s likely many cars aren’t dailies. As such, they perhaps don’t see rain. But, they must get washed. So- why are some cars suffering and not others?
I have an early car built around the same time as Harry Metcalfes. It’s done 7k which I’d consider high for an Emira. No blisters. Yet reading this thread would have me thinking the doors should look like bubble wrap. What is the common denominator?
My thoughts are that the treatment applied may not have been applied evenly on the panels. When you look where the blistering occurs it seems to be in the same places, top and bottom of the door, around door handles and under the mirrors. Mine have gone in those places and replicate pictures of others.

Batches where the applied coating was running low before being topped up? I doubt we will ever know the truth as it would involve admitting liability, even though it's clear it is an at source manufacturing fault.
The impression I got from the service manager at my local dealer was that he thought all Emiras were affected, but then he was at the sharp end dealing with a backlog of cars with their doors needing replaced and an overstretched body shop. I agree with you that the evidence so far points to only some, although possibly large, batches being affected.

One thing is certain. There are going to be some very, very unhappy Lotus customers within the next year when some early cars inevitably start getting blisters after the 3 year warranty is up. I had a very pointed email exchange with Lotus CC a while back, pushing them about whether my car was in the affected batches (they must know) and what they would do if the blisters occurred after 3 years. After a lengthy silence they basically refused to say anything meaningful and came out with some weasel words about treating issues after 3 years on a case by case basis.

Lotus clearly haven't remotely grasped customer service 101 which states that good service is all about being transparent and taking ownership of problems...
Ughh. I did not even think of this. I will be inspecting my panels very closely as I approach the three-year warranty. This is certainly a repair I do not want to undertake outside of warranty.

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