Scorpion Tracker

For those that do have the Tracker and use it: What voltage does it show your battery holding? Mine never goes higher than 12.6v and mostly shows 12.5v
For some reason I thought it was supposed to be higher than that.
For those that do have the Tracker and use it: What voltage does it show your battery holding? Mine never goes higher than 12.6v and mostly shows 12.5v
For some reason I thought it was supposed to be higher than that.
When mine is on the CTEK and fully charged the tracker shows 14.2v, which is what it is currently showing. I have found a discrepancy between what the Tracker registers (14.2v) and what a multimeter registers (12.6v) at the CTEK/battery terminal plug.
For those that do have the Tracker and use it: What voltage does it show your battery holding? Mine never goes higher than 12.6v and mostly shows 12.5v
For some reason I thought it was supposed to be higher than that.
So maybe the Tracker is actually the more accurate?
Strange that the CTEK would show 14.2v, yet that is what I thought batteries could get as high as.
Mine is saying 13.1V at the moment, last updated 22 hours ago, which would be when I last drove the car.
It's currently on the Ctek so I'm expecting it to be around 14V when it updates again.
Basically I get a much higher reading from the tracker than when I check with a multimeter across the battery terminals. Maybe the tracker measures it differently.
I usually see voltage around 13.5V. If I've not driven the car in over a week it'll dip to high 12V, but I drive mine every-other-day or so unless I'm away from home. It read 13.4V last night when I got back home from a drive.
Mine varies between 12.5 and 13.8V, depending on how often I drive and weather it’s on the trickle charger.

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