Steve Sutcliffe review

The need to fully justify one's commitments apparently outweighs a professional car reviewer's opinion.
The need to condescend apparently outweighs posting something of substance.
"plus a couple of interior options that elevate the Emira’s price to just shy of £81,000"

What are these options?
I ticked everything and come in below £79k.

I assume the difference in the total cost after TDI, pick up, etc
"plus a couple of interior options that elevate the Emira’s price to just shy of £81,000"

What are these options?
I ticked everything and come in below £79k.

I assume the difference in the total cost after TDI, pick up, etc
I worked out that if you ticked every box it came out at £83,260 drive-away price.

£3115 of that being ”extras”.

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