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Stuck in first gear

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Car is at the shop now. Let's see how long it takes to get some information back.
I talked to the folks at the shop and they hadn't had any major issues with customers cars yet, although I'm not sure how many they actually delivered and what classifies as "major" :D

Road assistance has been great. They called back and arranged a rental, 5 days for the time being, and made sure everything was in place and organized in a second call before closing the case on their end. +1 for that.

Funny enough the towing guy told me three other shops declined the job (the closest ones get dips), because no one wanted to touch a car they never heard of before 😂
Towing company called beforehand and had some questions regarding ride height and wheels. Apparently Lotus specifically requested the car not to be lifted by crane and a flatbed to be used instead. Worked out without any problems and driver was pumped to get to tow something new and exciting for a change :D
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  • #23
Good news! Shifter has been unstuck and everything was readjusted. Mechanic took part of the engine apart to get to the gearbox and made sure everything is in prestige condition. Applied some fresh grease and apparently it's back to stock feel.

Subwoofer was taken out and checked. Damming was refitted and everything put back together. The noise is now gone, as far as the mechanic is concerned.

I'm having an oil change done for good measure and will pick the car up on monday. I'll update you guys when I get to see the results!

Overall a very satisfying and fast solution considering the not so great road assistance and repair reviews before 👍🏻
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Mechanic took part of the engine apart to get to the gearbox

I’m shocked and awed
Well we just talked on the phone, don't know how far he did / had to go. I suspect some big words were used where little would've been sufficient. Or I may just have gotten it wrong.

It's fixed, in a timely matter. That's what counts :D
Glad it’s fixed. What mechanic fixed it in the end?
Yo they took part of his engine apart
Lol they popped the plastic airbox free and set it aside. That takes what, two minutes? It's unplugging the MAF, a couple of hose clamps, some breather hoses to pop free and two bolts that hold the airbox in.

The catastrophic thinking people jump into every time we have an owner report of a fault is sort of wild.
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  • #32
Chill guys, I'll ask on monday what specifically had been done. Up to now all I know is off a quick call. Would've chosen other words if I knew I'd set off all kinds of alarms here 😂

I doubt that half the engine was rebuilt in a day or less.

As @Porter said its probably not that big of a deal. I'm glad they properly looked at both ends of the linkage and didn't call it a day after getting it free "on the front".
Chill guys, I'll ask on monday what specifically had been done. Up to now all I know is off a quick call. Would've chosen other words if I knew I'd set off all kinds of alarms here 😂

I doubt that half the engine was rebuilt in a day or less.

As @Porter said its probably not that big of a deal. I'm glad they properly looked at both ends of the linkage and didn't call it a day after getting it free "on the front".
Which workshop did the job? Was it at a Lotus dealership?
Lol they popped the plastic airbox free and set it aside. That takes what, two minutes? It's unplugging the MAF, a couple of hose clamps, some breather hoses to pop free and two bolts that hold the airbox in.

The catastrophic thinking people jump into every time we have an owner report of a fault is sort of wild.
Then “they took my engine apart” is not very accurate, yes?
Then “they took my engine apart” is not very accurate, yes?
Ever had a conversation with a mechanic in a hurry?

You aren't likely to get specificity like, "I removed the decorative engine cover shroud to expose the mechanicals, and carefully set it aside. Then I identified the components and engine accessory systems in the engine bay that I would need to remove to gain access to the area of concern. After carefully checking the factory service manual, I proceeded to disconnect and remove the engine airbox, exposing the gearbox and shift linkage which lay hidden below."

Personally, when it's a warranty repair I'm fine with mechanic shorthand like, "I had to take half the engine apart but no worries, I have it sorted and good as new." If it's customer pay and I really want more detail, the effective strategy is to ask a well crafted question that doesn't waste the mechanic's valuable time.
Ever had a conversation with a mechanic in a hurry?

You aren't likely to get specificity like, "I removed the decorative engine cover shroud to expose the mechanicals, and carefully set it aside. Then I identified the components and engine accessory systems in the engine bay that I would need to remove to gain access to the area of concern. After carefully checking the factory service manual, I proceeded to disconnect and remove the engine airbox, exposing the gearbox and shift linkage which lay hidden below."

Personally, when it's a warranty repair I'm fine with mechanic shorthand like, "I had to take half the engine apart but no worries, I have it sorted and good as new." If it's customer pay and I really want more detail, the effective strategy is to ask a well crafted question that doesn't waste the mechanic's valuable time.
We all agree the packaging of a mid engined car creates some repair difficulties. We also agree Lotus has not solved their chronic shifter cable adjustment problems. So I read it only took my mechanic 1 day ($195/hr x 8) and he had to dissemble part of the engine to fix said chronic problem, that’s a red flag to anyone who is not rocking a 570 (or Z06) while they wait for their Emira
*sees 2 anecdotal reports of shift linkage mis-adjustment*

"Clearly these issues are chronic!"

*posts picture of unrelated car with engine torn down to the block*

"Red flag, everyone freak out!"

Please, just take a deep breath and stop with this. Jumping to the worst possible conclusion on the basis of every casual comment is not constructive, nor good for your health. 🤪
*sees 2 anecdotal reports of shift linkage mis-adjustment*

"Clearly these issues are chronic!"

*posts picture of unrelated car with engine torn down to the block*

"Red flag, everyone freak out!"

Please, just take a deep breath and stop with this. Jumping to the worst possible conclusion on the basis of every casual comment is not constructive, nor good for your health. 🤪
Not being super serious, if I jump in, it will be in 30 or so months, plenty of time for lotus to sort S out. And no less than 10 minutes ago I showed my wife another 718 Boxster parked as we drove by and she confirmed how much she hates them lol
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Alright, car is back home. First and second gear feel like never before - better than before. About the "taking the engine apart": Basically what @Porter said was done, so nothing to worry about.

Subwoofer has been fixed. KEF sounds good, but doesn't match Audi or Mercedes premium options IMO. For a factory built in it's pretty good. If I paid extra I'd think about that again. However, keep in mind that audio forever will be a hard discussion topic based on personal opinions 😂

Complete Oil-Service set me back about 430€.

All-in a satisfying experience. Issues were fixed in 2 days. Had I delivered the car in the morning they might have been done next day. Road assistance worked great. If you get stuck on the road all you need is a bit of time and patience. You'll be taken care of all around.

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