The real problem is going to be cost. Considering that when the Emira was first announced, the base model was going to be £59,999, these new models are going to double that. That's going to move the Emira up into a different segment of the market. The R model you describe would be the most interesting to me, but you also have to factor in insurance costs.
There's a line between decent, practical power and performance you can use on the street, versus indecent, impractical power and performance that you simply cannot use on the street. You're going to be paying for it, but why? Unless you are going to track it, to me it just doesn't make sense economically to be paying for more car than you can realistically use.
If I didn't already have my Emira, I'd buy one at the reduced prices they're going for right now, and put $20k into it and it would be the R model you describe. It would be far less than the factory one is going to be, and without the insurance rating that model is going to get. That's actually almost what I'm doing with mine now, except I payed the original list price for it because I put a deposit down the week it was announced, and was expecting they were only going to make 500 for the U.S.
This car is a real gem, and I think it would do it a disservice to start pushing the price tag up beyond what the average sports car enthusiast would be able to afford, which I'm afraid is what's going to happen with the next edition models.