V6 Gearbox Backlash?


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2024
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Northern Ireland
I’m trying to figure out if I have a problem or not so asking has anyone with a V6 manual got much gearbox backlash in first gear at low speed when going on and off throttle? I’m hearing a clicking sound from the gears on/off throttle from the backlash.
By backlash, do you mean a kick back from the shift knob? Or a feeling that it's not quite fully engaged in first gear?
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By backlash, do you mean a kick back from the shift knob? Or a feeling that it's not quite fully engaged in first gear?
No, gear backlash. When on an off throttle there is a small amount of play in the gears in first gear.
No, gear backlash. When on an off throttle there is a small amount of play in the gears in first gear.
I have noticed this too. First gear is finicky in all manual cars but it does seem to be especially sensitive to lift-off in the Emira.
No, gear backlash. When on an off throttle there is a small amount of play in the gears in first gear.
Hmmm… that’s interesting. It’s similar to what I experienced (see above) but slightly different. Mine was hesitating and made clanking noises, until eventually it starting popping out into neutral when I lifted to go into second. I took it into the dealer and ended up with a new transmission!

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