I made this "investment" into a high priced depreciating asset with eyes wide open......it's almost certain that eventually used 1 to 2 year old Emiras will make anyone like us who paid full price look like suckers. The good news is that I plan on owning my car for quite some time, so resale value isn't all that important to me at this point.
I started this thread because I was surprised to see so many titled with miles Emiras (2 dozen plus) listed for sale so soon after delivery. I just couldn't understand how so many people who had waited years didn't just fall in love driving this thing like I did with my own. As many have responded, maybe a lot of it has to do with how many people waited 3 years and after all that time are just in a different place in their lives. I'm guessing it's a little bit of everything (financial, life events, found something else, or just don't like the car).
In the end Lotus is going to sell relatively small numbers of the Emira, especially compared to Porches and Vettes, which will help prop up values. If they end up dumping the V6 (which eliminates manuals) than hopefully the benefit will be that the bottom will never truly drop all the way on their resale values.