Why does the Emira not have stop start?

Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy about it. But I kind of assumed it was mandatory on newer vehicles?
Assuming you mean auto stop/start feature.

Not mandatory. Not practical on a manual transmission. More complex drivetrain. No one who owns an Emira gives a crap about 0.01% increase in gas mileage.

I have a new GX550 on order. No auto stop/start in it. Hats off to Lexus for seeing the light!
I hate it in our minivan, which actually has a second battery to support the feature.

Fortunately, for $100 I eliminated it. (Actually, after installing it the feature is still available if you want to use it, but if you switch it off, the car remembers that you have switched it off when you start the car.)

Very glad the Emira does not have this!

I have always doubted whether this feature leads to total life cycle savings. There are plenty of studies that show an improvement in efficiency due to reduced idling, but none consider the added initial cost of the system, or the increased wear and replacement costs of the components (starter, battery, etc.). My M4 had this feature and required a ~1200 battery to support the HVAC and other various systems when engaged.
I thought the auto start stop was an emissions thing. Funny enough when I had a subaru loaner car it tracked how much time the car spent off at stop lights and in my 1 hour commute to work it had like 45 minutes of off time. I was surprised and it made sense why they would to require the start the stop feature in cars
Auto start-stop slightly reduces your gas consumption in the government fuel efficiency testing. In the US, anything to reduce your tested mileage helps you achieve CAFE mandates. Every little bit you save on your most popular models can offset those limits on the more profitable, bigger engine models. So, auto-start stop is entirely a compliance feature. Some manufacturers which don't have a wide variety of cars that must fit into CAFE limits don't care about ASS, and no matter what they say, it puts stress on the engine and starter.
I thought the auto start stop was an emissions thing. Funny enough when I had a subaru loaner car it tracked how much time the car spent off at stop lights and in my 1 hour commute to work it had like 45 minutes of off time. I was surprised and it made sense why they would to require the start the stop feature in cars
Your commute sounds like a nightmare.

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