I actually installed the 3rd cat delete pipe by myself this past Monday following the steps of this video, the written instructions of which are also provided as part of GRP's product description. Had I seen this video beforehand, it would've been even more helpful but, I have to say, I found the removal and installation process to be a lot easier than I was expecting. I really did not encounter any of the difficulties that some members have experienced.
I placed my car on 22" high Jack Stands (so no ramps or lifts), I did let WD-40 soak in on all of the pertinent bolts and screws, I had gathered all the tools that GRP recommended and with a little force, twisting and patience, the CAT came right off. I barely had to use the wood dowel to pull the CAT out of the brace. Quite frankly, the tools that I found most useful were the 2 pry bars and the rubber mallet. A 3/8 ratchet-to-socket extension (I used a 8" extension) was also pretty useful, as it helped with clearance in some awkward spots to unscrew and screw in the bolts. I happen to also have removed the under tray behind the one for the muffler section (the one for draining oil and removing the filter) which gave me a better look and a little more room to maneuver. The additional reason I had for removing the second under tray was because I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to also put sound proofing (1mm second skin) in both under trays as they are very thin and likely amplify and transmit a lot of unwanted wheel sound in to the cabin. I hope this proves a little helpful, but if you're not up to it, you can always get a muffler shop to do it for you.