Global warming
We're hearing that global warming is the result of the emissions we're pumping into the atmosphere, but this completely fails to explain the previous ice ages, and the following warming periods that melted those ice ages. Those happened without any influence from us, and that should not be ignored as there's clearly some other agency at work here. What is it? How did this happen and why?
My theory - Global warming and ice ages are caused by the sun, but not the way you might think.
The earth has a core of molten iron. Iron is a conductor of electricity. Our sun generates powerful and extensive magnetic fields. When you move a conductor through a magnetic field, it generates electricity and heat in the conductor. This is the basis for our electric motors. The earth rotates around the sun, which means our molten iron conductor core is constantly moving through the sun's magnetic fields. This is what literally powers our planet. The electricity created in the core also creates tremendous heat, enough to melt rock and metal because the heat is confined inside the core of the earth and basically has nowhere to go. We see evidences of it though, through volcanic activity where the core pressure is able to push through weak spots in the earth's crust.
Sunlight does not penetrate down through the depths of the ocean where the deep ocean currents are. Thus it cannot heat them. The core temperature can however, warm those deep currents up from underneath, and it's those deep currents that circulate and transfer their temperatures around the planet.
We can see with the normal change of seasons, how just a few degrees of tilt of the earth can change the surface temperature from 100+ degrees in the summer, to snow and ice and even sub-zero temperatures in the winter. The band for the possibility of life and the ability to sustain it is almost unimaginably thin and fragile; miraculous even. Recent information coming back from the Voyagers that were sent out decades ago, have shown that not only is outer space not empty, it's filled with unbelievably violent forces. Our planet stands out as an almost miraculous oasis in the midst of all this.
So what happens if the sun's magnetic fields suddenly change their strength one way or the other? If the fields weaken, that will generate less electricity in the core of the earth, which will generate less heat, which will cause the deep ocean currents to cool down. That will cause everything above them to cool down and global temperatures will cool down as a result. If the magnetic fields weaken dramatically, the result could cause a planetary freeze, and as we all know, it doesn't take water long to freeze once the temperature drops below freezing. This doesn't require years; it could literally happen with weeks or even days depending on how fast and how far down the strength of the sun's magnetic fields decline. Volcanic activity would also suddenly decline. The sun would also probably be generating less radiant heat, so there would be less heat reaching our atmosphere which would aid in the cooling down of the surface. This much change and type of change, would also create high velocity winds on the surface, which would further speed up the freezing of the surface.
Now after that has happened, let's say suddenly the sun's magnetic fields regain their strength, and even possibly increase them beyond normal for a brief time. Almost like a solar misfire, with a sudden drop in strength followed by a momentary burst of strength until it stabilizes again. Now we have a sudden burst of electricity and heat in the earth's core, which causes an immediate warming of the deep ocean currents, and much greater volcanic pressure and activity, spewing hot gases into the atmosphere. As the warmer currents begin to circulate around the planet, temperatures above them also begin to warm, and this starts melting ice. The increase of solar magnetic energy would also most likely cause an increase in the radiant energy of the sun too, which would be generating more heat towards the atmosphere of the earth, warming it as well. Now we have the melting and end of that ice age, however long it may have been. If this all sounds quite violent, it is, but that seems to be the normal in the universe. What we have now and our life, appears to be distinctly NOT normal. More on that later.
Science always wants to extend the time for anything out way beyond anything that can be proven or verified, because that allows them the freedom to say things like "might have, could have, may, possibly" etc. so their theories can be published and positively received by their peers, and of course, the bestowers of grant money. The reality is, things may have happened and still could, a LOT faster than they want to admit or even consider. When Mt. St. Helens blew up, flattening and destroying everything in front of the explosion, we were being told the damage this disaster had caused was going to take 100 years for the area to recover. It recovered in 15 years. Nobody predicted that. The nuclear meltdown at Chernobyl in 1986 was another one where we were told life wouldn't be able to recover there for 100,000 years. It's already recovered, and they have videos of wildlife running around in an area where it was thought that would be impossible. The earth and nature is far more robust and powerful than we realize or scientists are generally willing to acknowledge. One of the most powerful life forces on earth happens to be insects, as small as they are. They recover the fastest, and are vital to the overall function of the eco system.
There's a difference between climate and environment. Climate is controlled by the sun over which we have no control. The environment however is a different matter, and that's something we very much have control over and need to focus on instead of climate change.
My next post will cover more aspects of climate change, and go more into environment as well as other related topics, but this is enough for now and I'm sure is going to chum the waters considerably lol.