Thanks so much
@Time2Fly for all the time and effort you've put in on this. These look great and are very tempting, and not to take away from the allure for everyone, (because they are REALLY nice looking), but something's been bugging me on this. Got to thinking that I don't even have a car yet, and lots of upcoming expenses, from the car itself, taxes, and other add ons like PPF, a car cover, front license plate bracket, other unknowns, and maybe time off of work spent bringing it back to the dealer, call it LOCUS, lot of costs, usually serious, and practicality started invading my mind: Are the bespoke cabin bags maximizing the use of the already very limited space? What if I could fit 2 regular size rolling carry on suitcases behind the seats and fit more stuff? Looking for dimensions I found TomE posted this diagram on a different thread 2 and a half years ago showing the space behind the seats at almost 9 inches when adjusted for a 6'1" driver and over 16 inches fully forward. And from this drawing, it's 9 inches all the way to the top. So no need for the cabin bags to taper to a mere 5 inches deep at the top unless you're very very tall or like to recline way back. Seems to be unnecessarily reducing your capacity in the bag. And, from these measurements and knowing the width of the cabin set is 40", it looks like I could fit my two airplane rolling carry ons lying on their side, side-by-side, and they would fit a lot more stuff at 9 inches deep all the way top to bottom, left to right. So if true, the look of the bespoke bags is definitely tempting me, but I think I'll be able to fit a lot more stuff in the space otherwise. Soo....I'm wondering if anyone reading here who already has their car can confirm these measurements? And anyone with roadtrip/luggage carrying experience in this regard care to share?