šŸ““ Journals eclat2emira's Dark Verdant Emira Journal

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On the train to Norwich ! Be at Hethel for 0900. I am primed to look at production figures, wheel gaps, gearknobs, seat bases, second shifts, car parks of finished cars, built autos, any signs of i4s. Anything else ?
And don't forget to revel in the experience. Those of us still waiting are living vicariously through those of you who have received your cars. Enjoy and have a safe return home with your new baby.
On the train to Norwich ! Be at Hethel for 0900. I am primed to look at production figures, wheel gaps, gearknobs, seat bases, second shifts, car parks of finished cars, built autos, any signs of i4s. Anything else ?
See if any US cars ( orange marker lights ) are running down the line. Doubtful, but there's always hope!
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  • #45
Hi I collected my emira then also (Seneca blue) and have to say what a great experience the factory collection is (especially Scotā€™s passion for the brand)really makes the car very very special .I am extremely impressed with the car and to think I so very nearly cancelled recently (lack of commication delays ect) so anyone unsure as I was I believe itā€™s worth hanging in for and if you can the factory collection is a must .
Great to meet you and so glad you stayed in!
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  • #46
On the train to Norwich ! Be at Hethel for 0900. I am primed to look at production figures, wheel gaps, gearknobs, seat bases, second shifts, car parks of finished cars, built autos, any signs of i4s. Anything else ?
Have a great day, so much to enjoy - looking forward to your updates after, have a great drive home.
On the train to Norwich ! Be at Hethel for 0900. I am primed to look at production figures, wheel gaps, gearknobs, seat bases, second shifts, car parks of finished cars, built autos, any signs of i4s. Anything else ?
looking forwards to your information about i4. Plz update after your factory tour.
Data I gleaned on production numbers from factory tour today.

No photos allowed so from careful observation and making a few notes;

At 11am the big screens were counting down the time to move car 12 to the next station

The big screen from Harryā€™s video is there but doesnā€™t have much data on it but if you look closely in the bottom left in tiny font in says ā€œnumber of cars this shiftā€ and at 1100 today that said 41. But I donā€™t know when the shift started !

They are running two shifts Gold and Black. One starts early the other starts late. Donā€™t know exact timings. Also sometimes a twilight shift if they get a load of parts in.

Some cars have visible numbers on bits of masking tape e.g. where the nose badge will go. The highest number I saw was 1055. Saw numbers ranging from 981 to 1055.

A number of 5000 a year was mentioned.

I saw a few i4 engines but no built cars.

Didnā€™t spot any autos (but couldnā€™t get close to most of the cars) nor any built i4s.

I also looked out for US cars but didnā€™t spot any. Majority of finished cars in the parking outside the factory were right hand drive.

Did see two Eletres though - one in camo but a black one we got close to. Big car and quite dramatic up close !
Data I gleaned on production numbers from factory tour today.

No photos allowed so from careful observation and making a few notes;

At 11am the big screens were counting down the time to move car 12 to the next station

The big screen from Harryā€™s video is there but doesnā€™t have much data on it but if you look closely in the bottom left in tiny font in says ā€œnumber of cars this shiftā€ and at 1100 today that said 41. But I donā€™t know when the shift started !

They are running two shifts Gold and Black. One starts early the other starts late. Donā€™t know exact timings. Also sometimes a twilight shift if they get a load of parts in.

Some cars have visible numbers on bits of masking tape e.g. where the nose badge will go. The highest number I saw was 1055. Saw numbers ranging from 981 to 1055.

A number of 5000 a year was mentioned.

I saw a few i4 engines but no built cars.

Didnā€™t spot any autos (but couldnā€™t get close to most of the cars) nor any built i4s.

I also looked out for US cars but didnā€™t spot any. Majority of finished cars in the parking outside the factory were right hand drive.

Did see two Eletres though - one in camo but a black one we got close to. Big car and quite dramatic up close !
Thanks for all of the info. Production numbers sound they are achieving ~ 20 cars per day, which is up a bit from the 15-17 I had heard from my dealer. Really appreciate you checking into this for us.(y)
Data I gleaned on production numbers from factory tour today.

No photos allowed so from careful observation and making a few notes;

At 11am the big screens were counting down the time to move car 12 to the next station

The big screen from Harryā€™s video is there but doesnā€™t have much data on it but if you look closely in the bottom left in tiny font in says ā€œnumber of cars this shiftā€ and at 1100 today that said 41. But I donā€™t know when the shift started !

They are running two shifts Gold and Black. One starts early the other starts late. Donā€™t know exact timings. Also sometimes a twilight shift if they get a load of parts in.

Some cars have visible numbers on bits of masking tape e.g. where the nose badge will go. The highest number I saw was 1055. Saw numbers ranging from 981 to 1055.

A number of 5000 a year was mentioned.

I saw a few i4 engines but no built cars.

Didnā€™t spot any autos (but couldnā€™t get close to most of the cars) nor any built i4s.

I also looked out for US cars but didnā€™t spot any. Majority of finished cars in the parking outside the factory were right hand drive.

Did see two Eletres though - one in camo but a black one we got close to. Big car and quite dramatic up close !
Great info. I heard the first i4s are going to be built in June
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  • #52
Hi all, that's 680 miles covered now, I've been revving her to 4500rpm, a touch more occasionally, and using wider throttle openings - bloody hell!

Today I went for a 2-way run on a favourite, twisty "A" road, 25-miles each way. This road features some longer, more gentle bends, some tighter and much tighter ones, lots of elevation change - some gradual, some featuring repetitive sequences of crests & dips and a lot which occurs during medium to tight bends. Road surface generally good, conditions dry, road clean and quiet no wind. Oh, and I'm on the Touring chassis.

This car flies. It's confidence inspiring and highly communicative, flattering to the driver and very hard to unsettle. The strong, linear power delivery helps and the feel through the alcantara wheel is incredible. I am now leaning ever harder on everything this car can do and it has not been found wanting so far.

I have a couple of observations that I'd be keen to hear others' experience of or views on:
Just a few times today, I found myself wondering "Would the Sports chassis sport be better here?" First time I've thought that. The road surface was good and the body control was excellent and perhaps I was getting nearer the outside of the envelope where the Touring chassis is best. But there may be counter argument that the Sports chassis would not have handled some of the undulations as well - not "breathed with the road" in the same way as many have said. Interesting.

Steering feedback - there is so much coming back through the wheel that you know at all times exactly what is going on between the rubber and the road. Now and again, and bear in mind the description of the road, it was almost tipping into the point where on a straight piece of road, which was not billiard table flat, the wheel was writhing quite a bit in my hands, needing quite a lot of input, most of it probably unconscious, to stay in the middle of the lane. I didn't find this unpleasant and I think it only manifested itself at higher speeds (!) It's clearly a factor of the set-up and something that goes with the legendary level of feedback.

I have a 2004 Carrera 4S that I've driven quite possibly hundreds of times on the same stretch of road. I have 130,000 miles under my belt in this car and it is incredibly planted and confidence inspiring, especially on its fully refreshed chassis featuring all new suspension components, new top mounts, legendary KW V3 coil-overs and recent full geo. I love my 911 but can already lean harder on the Emira and enjoy it even more...
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Will comment more in a bitā€¦ but I am with youā€¦ took mine down a favourite bit of road today where my exige s2 can get a little unsettledā€¦ none of that with the emiraā€¦.
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  • #54
Will comment more in a bitā€¦ but I am with youā€¦ took mine down a favourite bit of road today where my exige s2 can get a little unsettledā€¦ none of that with the emiraā€¦.
Thanks - looking forward to reading about that.
Very interested in you comments on the Touring chassis. I'm on Sport and many times I've asked myself the opposite: 'would Touring be better here'. We'll have to meet up and compare notes.
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  • #56
Very interested in you comments on the Touring chassis. I'm on Sport and many times I've asked myself the opposite: 'would Touring be better here'. We'll have to meet up and compare notes.
Most definitely!!!

I am heading off on Thursday morning for 10 days, otherwise I'd be up for next weekend, will DM you about weekend of 6th/7th May.
Thanks - looking forward to reading about that.
Okā€¦ so went to the newlands corner meet today.. 3 Emiras there ! Missed you @TomE..

On way home, there is a badly surfaced road with pretty bad camber, but is mostly straight at first, with some fast turns and a couple of tighter bends later on.. itā€™s only about 3 miles long but shows up if a car is too firm. My Exige when in track day setup was a nightmare on that road, just too stiff. It threw me around a bit. It is now in road ā€˜trimā€™ and does have Nitron dampers, and is way better.
Now donā€™t get me wrong, the exige is very quick down that road and fab funā€¦ but the emira blew me away, it was like witchcraftā€¦ even though itā€™s a bigger car, I was able to carry more speed, even only using 4k revsā€¦ was it less fun, not really, as I had that confidence in the carā€¦ very impressive so far
Sorry I missed you and the others at Newlands today. I had to sort out a problem at home before I head to Germany tomorrow.
Okā€¦ so went to the newlands corner meet today.. 3 Emiras there ! Missed you @TomE..

On way home, there is a badly surfaced road with pretty bad camber, but is mostly straight at first, with some fast turns and a couple of tighter bends later on.. itā€™s only about 3 miles long but shows up if a car is too firm. My Exige when in track day setup was a nightmare on that road, just too stiff. It threw me around a bit. It is now in road ā€˜trimā€™ and does have Nitron dampers, and is way better.
Now donā€™t get me wrong, the exige is very quick down that road and fab funā€¦ but the emira blew me away, it was like witchcraftā€¦ even though itā€™s a bigger car, I was able to carry more speed, even only using 4k revsā€¦ was it less fun, not really, as I had that confidence in the carā€¦ very impressive so far
And your set up is...??? šŸ§