I've seen many times people imagine that the Nighthawks image would be with famous people like Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, etc. but I never saw it that way. When I look at it, the first thing I see dynamically is the soda jerk; he's saying something to the man in front of him who's listening intently. The body language of the man on the far left says even though he's not the one being talked to, he's also listening intently. The redhead is not interested in the conversation at all; she could care less as she stares at her fingernails in obvious boredom.
This was done in 1942 when World War 2 was going on. This was before television, so the main vehicle for news was radio, newspapers and social gatherings. Someone who worked at a bar, coffee shop, soda fountain, etc. would be a focal point for hearing all kinds of things during the day. A lot of times people would go to those places just to hear the latest, and in this case, it would be about the war and how things were going. In 1942 the country was fresh out of the depression of the 30's, and still reeling from the attack at Pearl Harbor in December of 1941. The men in the painting are well dressed, so they're business men. My impression is the one facing us is a local, possibly a business owner and the redhead is his trophy. The one with his back to us gives me the vibe of being a traveling salesman for some reason; the man in the grey flannel suit type of thing. His clothes aren't as expensive looking as the guy with the redhead next to him.
This was the genius of Hopper; his ability to capture a moment, to tell a story without a single word or anything moving. His work was more subtle than Norman Rockwell's, though I love his work too. Even though Hopper's work was less photographically detailed than Rockwell's, his work always looked "right". He had an eye for scene balance and perspective, and always chose the most interesting color palette for his paintings. Even though his work was subtle, his choice of colors typically was not. Very interesting contrast.
Like this one. A simple composition yet it says so much. Her body language says disappointment on the edge of sadness. She's waiting for somebody who's not just late, but late to the point of maybe not showing up. Has she been stood up? This was in the day when there weren't any personal communication devices. You just waited; not knowing anything as to why they're late. This was done in 1927, near the end of the roaring twenties.
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When you look at his work you get the impression these aren't made up; they have that feeling of being scenes and things he's actually seen and remembered, because there was something about it that made an impression on him, and it's that impression that he wants to capture and reproduce, and he does.
Room in New York 1932. This was in the early years of the great depression, right after the stock market crash of 1929. Financial worries were rampant, especially in New York where the market crash hit the hardest. It looks like they're supposed to be going out. She's trying to be patient; she's dressed and ready to go, but the newspaper is more interesting to him than she is at the moment. There's a marked contrast between the focused intensity of his body language as he's reading the news, while hers is lazy boredom; trying to be patient, but with her finger on a piano key as a not-quite-so-subtle reminder to him that they're supposed to be going out, and she's waiting. Brilliant story telling.
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I feel so sorry for kids today that are wasting so much of their time on things like Tik Tok, Instagram, etc. It's like they're just skipping across the surface of life, never taking the time to explore the richness of the depth of things. There's so much richness in history, art, philosophy, etc. that they'll never even know exists. Such a shame.