You say there are no green cards needed? From when is this??.... that must be very recent, mid last year you certainly needed a green card for EU travel and to my knowledge it hasnt changed, but happy if as you say it has!
REgarding your other commentt on 90 and 180 continuous use in EU, very few companies, very very few give 180 days EU cover continuous, I dont know any off the top of my head that do this after brexit, but I am talking about insurance for sports or higher end cars, ie not admiral, or direct line type cars.
Please do tell me the companies that offer 180 continuous EU cover for UK cars, as I will be contacting them for my Emira too.
I had 4 UK cars, a nomad, a defender, a westfield and an Elise and I had a year long green card for all of them to use them in Spain. THis was immediately stopped as soon as brexit struck and in the following months I called all the normal suspects for these type of cars and none of them gave more than 90 days out of the UK and you had to get green cars and specify the exact dates etc. So I am not arguing, but very surprised at what you say. If I get a quote on a comparison website now, none of the 10 options give 180 days EU cover... none, some are only 30 days per trip.
And green card changed came from brexit 100%, I had long conversations with insurance companies regarding this, it was a huge change for their industry.
Im glad your business has not been affected, but for many this is not the case; the parts industry for cars as an exmaple, its also a huge blow as the paperwork to import spare parts to the EU from the UK outweighs the potential cost benefits and I know a few porsche renovators that stopped using UK parts. In fact Deisgn911 I think they are called, the largest UK porsche parts dealer, in the end had to open an EU warehouse as they lost so much business due to brexit.
Sending any item from the UK to the EU, new or used, is very complicated and ends up costing a small fortune as not even the customs agents in the EU seem to know the rules related to brexit....
Anyway, a bit off topic.
French roads are great for the Emira as you know

. Far superior to UK ones in general and to Spanish ones.... amazing.