It's one thing to point out objectively, that there's a problem, or an area that needs improvement. People will take that feedback seriously without resenting you. However, when you keep saying it repeatedly, then cross the line of being objective and start mocking, belittling and showing contempt for them... that's when you find out what happens when you've successively offended those between you and management.
Management will not tell anyone to deliberately delay Tom's car. No one will ask management if they can do that. That's not how resentment works. What will happen is a few, maybe more come online to the forum and read what's being said, then they go back and tell their fellow workers "You ought to see what this guy on the forum is saying about us.". They take a look, then starting talking about it. Word spreads among the rank and file. Management is not involved, nor do they know the reputation you've developed, but the rank and file now know who you are, and they'll start referring to you the way you've referred to them. That's human nature.
Burning good will is never a good idea, especially when you want those same people to treat you as though you've not offended them in any way. People are people. Doesn't matter whether they work for a company or not; people react to being insulted, and the constant mocking, disparaging and belittling that's gone on in here may be entertainment and funny to those doing it, but to those on the receiving end it hurts and it's discouraging. They'll remember you. People may not remember the good things you've said and done, but they'll never forget the bad things. That's the way it works.
I've requested before in here, more than once that we keep things civil and decent, and I got mocked for being a fan boi, 'you don't get to say what people in here can say', how dare you lecture us, etc. I knew some of you may be setting yourselves up for not getting any favors inside Lotus, but you were enjoying throwing rocks and laughing at the workers in the pits, and just chucked a few in my direction when I mentioned it because you were right! You were justified! There's such a thing as winning a battle but losing the war. Discretion is often the better part of valor, so it pays to look ahead and beyond the moment before you say or do something.
The school of hard knocks is a tough school. You can either learn valuable lessons by learning from those who've been through it already, or you can enroll and learn the hard way yourself. Never insult the people cooking or serving your food before they bring it to you in other words, unless you want to find out what happens if you do.
I truly hope there's nothing serious going on, as it would diminish the overall experience and ambience of being part of this special occasion of the last ICE Lotus, and the first of a new era.
If any Lotus employees are reading this, rise above it. Uphold the reputation, name and legend of Lotus for your sake, and the sake of the many thousands of new customers that you'll be interacting with through what you do, and how you do it. You'll feel better about yourselves if you rise above it, than if you do something vindictive. This too shall pass. Life is a stream of moments, then they're gone. Make the best of the moments you have while you can.
The Emira is a beautiful car; more like a work of art, and the amount of time, effort and hard work you guys and gals have put into making it be the best Lotus ever, shows. It's gorgeous and everybody knows it. Keep calm, carry on, and know that thousands of people are looking forward to receiving these works of art you are making for us.