You're welcome, although I have to say I'm not at all surprised by the response. You are again deliberately trying to evade the point I made which had nothing to do with legitimizing how Lotus are behaving. Nice job cleaning up all the vitriol by calling it "anyone else who points out shortcomings", even though in the very first sentence of what I wrote I stated "It's one thing to point out objectively, that there's a problem, or an area that needs improvement. People will take that feedback seriously without resenting you." You and others in here have gone way beyond merely pointing out shortcomings. I noticed it over a month ago and started to caution about it.
Now, take note how you reacted by me simply saying it's wiser to be civil than mock, belittle and insult. What if I started a thread with memes mocking Tom? Or saying negative things about you, your performance, how you repeatedly fail to do something I think you should do? How do you think you'd react? Censor me? Ban me? Restrict my ability to post in here? Would you react positively or negatively? There's a problem here Tom, and the fact that you saw what I posted as a "lecture" is part of it. You see absolutely nothing wrong with what you and others have been doing in here, and now can't understand the reaction you're getting from Lotus. You lecture me because I'm saying things you don't like and don't want to hear; even though I'm doing exactly what you think you're doing to Lotus, except I'm not mocking, belittling or calling you a failure; I'm merely 'pointing out shortcomings', highlighting and repeating that when no changes are being made, a practice which you yourself say is entirely legitimate. How does that make you feel? I'm doing this for the same reasons you are; I'm doing it because I want things to improve. There's a risk involved though, in saying things about other people's performance. You're a mod now, and can ban me completely. I'm not saying these things for me; I know it's not going to make me popular. I'm saying it as a caution for you and others; people react to what you say about them, just as you have here in this post.
Look at the reaction you've now gotten from Lotus; do you honestly believe it's just because you were posting info that people in here were hoping to find out about? You've been doing that for over a year without suddenly getting a cold shoulder. Something has changed and you've noticed it. What do you think it could be? Their reaction to you has nothing to do with me or my "conjecture" as you put it. My post was to give you a possible insight as to why you might be getting what appears to be somewhat of a cold shoulder now. Read back through all your posts where you mock them, laugh at them, insult them for not doing what you think they should do. Maybe you don't realize you've been doing it as much as you have, which is why I've been cautioning about it. Something has changed.
There's such a thing as going too far, and this is the edge of that point for me. I truly hope you get things worked out and there's no hard feelings at Lotus towards you, but I've said my piece about all that and I'm done. I'm just going to wait for my car now, and look forward to driving it.