Another trip around the buoy that is Lotus customer service...

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if he dresses like that in his Emira, I will take it all back.... haha
It's one thing to point out objectively, that there's a problem, or an area that needs improvement. People will take that feedback seriously without resenting you. However, when you keep saying it repeatedly, then cross the line of being objective and start mocking, belittling and showing contempt for them... that's when you find out what happens when you've successively offended those between you and management.

Management will not tell anyone to deliberately delay Tom's car. No one will ask management if they can do that. That's not how resentment works. What will happen is a few, maybe more come online to the forum and read what's being said, then they go back and tell their fellow workers "You ought to see what this guy on the forum is saying about us.". They take a look, then starting talking about it. Word spreads among the rank and file. Management is not involved, nor do they know the reputation you've developed, but the rank and file now know who you are, and they'll start referring to you the way you've referred to them. That's human nature.

Burning good will is never a good idea, especially when you want those same people to treat you as though you've not offended them in any way. People are people. Doesn't matter whether they work for a company or not; people react to being insulted, and the constant mocking, disparaging and belittling that's gone on in here may be entertainment and funny to those doing it, but to those on the receiving end it hurts and it's discouraging. They'll remember you. People may not remember the good things you've said and done, but they'll never forget the bad things. That's the way it works.

I've requested before in here, more than once that we keep things civil and decent, and I got mocked for being a fan boi, 'you don't get to say what people in here can say', how dare you lecture us, etc. I knew some of you may be setting yourselves up for not getting any favors inside Lotus, but you were enjoying throwing rocks and laughing at the workers in the pits, and just chucked a few in my direction when I mentioned it because you were right! You were justified! There's such a thing as winning a battle but losing the war. Discretion is often the better part of valor, so it pays to look ahead and beyond the moment before you say or do something.

The school of hard knocks is a tough school. You can either learn valuable lessons by learning from those who've been through it already, or you can enroll and learn the hard way yourself. Never insult the people cooking or serving your food before they bring it to you in other words, unless you want to find out what happens if you do.

I truly hope there's nothing serious going on, as it would diminish the overall experience and ambience of being part of this special occasion of the last ICE Lotus, and the first of a new era.

If any Lotus employees are reading this, rise above it. Uphold the reputation, name and legend of Lotus for your sake, and the sake of the many thousands of new customers that you'll be interacting with through what you do, and how you do it. You'll feel better about yourselves if you rise above it, than if you do something vindictive. This too shall pass. Life is a stream of moments, then they're gone. Make the best of the moments you have while you can.

The Emira is a beautiful car; more like a work of art, and the amount of time, effort and hard work you guys and gals have put into making it be the best Lotus ever, shows. It's gorgeous and everybody knows it. Keep calm, carry on, and know that thousands of people are looking forward to receiving these works of art you are making for us.
Thanks for the lecture. You are again trying to legitimise how Lotus are behaving. Now it's because I (and anyone else who points out shortcomings) deserve to be treated poorly. Right-oh.

As you well know, I have spent many hours providing carefully considered, constructive and practical inputs and feedback to Lotus. I've made 7-hour round trips to the factory to meet senior people and to see first hand what is going on. I've written documents in response to their requests for more details. I've had calls and exchanges of messages when hot spots have flared up amongst customers in response to comms issues, and I've published information online in direct support of tackling those issues - with Lotus agreement.

I have said repeatedly (here and to Lotus staff), I love Lotus and want them to be successful. I've known many people at the factory for three decades, as well as several of the dealers and lots of owners. I have also spoken to everyone in Lotus Customer Care and met most of them in person. I have huge respect for everyone involved in designing, developing and building the car - I've told lots of them that in person. I have huge sympathy for the difficult position the LCC team have been put in, particularly with the lack of information given to them to answer our questions. I've discussed this with most of the LCC team members and they know I understand the difficulties they face.

I know the challenges involved in making major transformations to a business, dealing with foreign investors, tackling unexpected external factors outside your control. I've been a supporter and advocate of the strategy Lotus are pursuing - even to the point where I've been accused online of being a Lotus employee or being paid to do this.

Your assessment of how this is playing out inside Lotus is pure conjecture and is not what I see and hear from the people I speak to. Lotus staff see the owners community as a key part of the Lotus ethos and are supporters of forums, sharing, helping each other with info and solving problems. They can't get involved in posting officially, but are regular providers of info and private chats across lots of forums. They also know about the concerns of customers and can see for themselves what is going on within Lotus that is contributing to that. For many of them, they have no way to influence that being resolved. They don't resent customers for being frustrated, nor for customers raising those concerns - they know it is directed at a few key areas that they also wish were being tackled. In the meantime they are focused on their part in getting these brilliant cars out to us and know that is the most important thing for us, which we fully support them in trying to achieve.

We all know what the fundamental problems are from a customer perspective. Highlighting and repeating those when no actions are being taken is entirely legitimate. Calling out the lack of progress and action, when Lotus have acknowledged there are issues they need to address and say they are going to address them is also fair game. I am not the only one who is saying this: there has been no significant improvement in the customer experience and customer comms since the reveal in July 2021. This is a management issue.
Thanks for the lecture. You are again trying to legitimise how Lotus are behaving. Now it's because I (and anyone else who points out shortcomings) deserve to be treated poorly. Right-oh.

As you well know, I have spent many hours providing carefully considered, constructive and practical inputs and feedback to Lotus. I've made 7-hour round trips to the factory to meet senior people and to see first hand what is going on. I've written documents in response to their requests for more details. I've had calls and exchanges of messages when hot spots have flared up amongst customers in response to comms issues, and I've published information online in direct support of tackling those issues - with Lotus agreement.

I have said repeatedly (here and to Lotus staff), I love Lotus and want them to be successful. I've known many people at the factory for three decades, as well as several of the dealers and lots of owners. I have also spoken to everyone in Lotus Customer Care and met most of them in person. I have huge respect for everyone involved in designing, developing and building the car - I've told lots of them that in person. I have huge sympathy for the difficult position the LCC team have been put in, particularly with the lack of information given to them to answer our questions. I've discussed this with most of the LCC team members and they know I understand the difficulties they face.

I know the challenges involved in making major transformations to a business, dealing with foreign investors, tackling unexpected external factors outside your control. I've been a supporter and advocate of the strategy Lotus are pursuing - even to the point where I've been accused online of being a Lotus employee or being paid to do this.

Your assessment of how this is playing out inside Lotus is pure conjecture and is not what I see and hear from the people I speak to. Lotus staff see the owners community as a key part of the Lotus ethos and are supporters of forums, sharing, helping each other with info and solving problems. They can't get involved in posting officially, but are regular providers of info and private chats across lots of forums. They also know about the concerns of customers and can see for themselves what is going on within Lotus that is contributing to that. For many of them, they have no way to influence that being resolved. They don't resent customers for being frustrated, nor for customers raising those concerns - they know it is directed at a few key areas that they also wish were being tackled. In the meantime they are focused on their part in getting these brilliant cars out to us and know that is the most important thing for us, which we fully support them in trying to achieve.

We all know what the fundamental problems are from a customer perspective. Highlighting and repeating those when no actions are being taken is entirely legitimate. Calling out the lack of progress and action, when Lotus have acknowledged there are issues they need to address and say they are going to address them is also fair game. I am not the only one who is saying this: there has been no significant improvement in the customer experience and customer comms since the reveal in July 2021. This is a management issue.
very well contained response...... 👌
Forums are full of speculation / complaints / issues / humour / insider dealings / sex / drugs and the likes, and I for one, plus 97.5% on here I would estimate, don't think you or me or even the far more aggressive Leonard or our friend in Toronto (not really) have done or said, at any point, anything that would not be expected on such a forum and if Lotus don't agree, they have a quick learning curve to come regarding such forums. As you said, I am sure they are fine with this forum and they have to be as they can be very powerful things these days and I know this personally.

Today, forums are almost as necessary as unions although from a customer perspective, and whilst manufacturers and managers could very much do without what are historically referred to as trouble makers and interfering busy bodies, they are today more accepted as people who are trying to get a fair deal and treatment for themselves and others.
I clearly have no idea and its pure speculation on my part, ie a forum post.. 😊, but yes, I think you and possibly I (I'm about 10/15 places behind you in the supposed queue) could have been pushed back a little and no doubt there are people within Lotus who could do this and are childish enough to get it done. I guess I would be at best 50.50 in this theory and the truth is, we will never know. Is it possible, for sure, it is likely, I would hope not.

It's not something that will at this stage keep me up at night, nor yourself I am sure, as it would be more a reflection on them rather than on us. If they end up losing one or two customers, which is possible, due to this behaviour, proven or not, they also wont lose sleep over it. I am also tempted to call and ask why my car is now behind others who were in turn behind me, but as I have said for a few weeks, I am not so sure this will actually happen despite what previous emails have said. I am just as sure CS have given some incorrect info yet again and so until someone actually says on here, I paid my deposit in July / Sept 2021 and have had their 30 day call before myself, I wont stress about it as now there are undoubtedly more delays on RHD cars as you say and its becoming more of a lottery every week that passes.

Keep up the level headed good work..... 🏎 😉
Lotus is not Putin; we don't have to bow down and pledge 100% loyalty and praise in order to get our cars...
I’m definitely never going to be a bootlicker on a internet forum.
I love how this drama is all hidden within a KEF thread. 🤫🍿

Moderator edit: was hidden in a KEF thread and has now been moved to here
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Thanks for the lecture. You are again trying to legitimise how Lotus are behaving. Now it's because I (and anyone else who points out shortcomings) deserve to be treated poorly. Right-oh.

As you well know, I have spent many hours providing carefully considered, constructive and practical inputs and feedback to Lotus. I've made 7-hour round trips to the factory to meet senior people and to see first hand what is going on. I've written documents in response to their requests for more details. I've had calls and exchanges of messages when hot spots have flared up amongst customers in response to comms issues, and I've published information online in direct support of tackling those issues - with Lotus agreement.

I have said repeatedly (here and to Lotus staff), I love Lotus and want them to be successful. I've known many people at the factory for three decades, as well as several of the dealers and lots of owners. I have also spoken to everyone in Lotus Customer Care and met most of them in person. I have huge respect for everyone involved in designing, developing and building the car - I've told lots of them that in person. I have huge sympathy for the difficult position the LCC team have been put in, particularly with the lack of information given to them to answer our questions. I've discussed this with most of the LCC team members and they know I understand the difficulties they face.

I know the challenges involved in making major transformations to a business, dealing with foreign investors, tackling unexpected external factors outside your control. I've been a supporter and advocate of the strategy Lotus are pursuing - even to the point where I've been accused online of being a Lotus employee or being paid to do this.

Your assessment of how this is playing out inside Lotus is pure conjecture and is not what I see and hear from the people I speak to. Lotus staff see the owners community as a key part of the Lotus ethos and are supporters of forums, sharing, helping each other with info and solving problems. They can't get involved in posting officially, but are regular providers of info and private chats across lots of forums. They also know about the concerns of customers and can see for themselves what is going on within Lotus that is contributing to that. For many of them, they have no way to influence that being resolved. They don't resent customers for being frustrated, nor for customers raising those concerns - they know it is directed at a few key areas that they also wish were being tackled. In the meantime they are focused on their part in getting these brilliant cars out to us and know that is the most important thing for us, which we fully support them in trying to achieve.

We all know what the fundamental problems are from a customer perspective. Highlighting and repeating those when no actions are being taken is entirely legitimate. Calling out the lack of progress and action, when Lotus have acknowledged there are issues they need to address and say they are going to address them is also fair game. I am not the only one who is saying this: there has been no significant improvement in the customer experience and customer comms since the reveal in July 2021. This is a management issue.
Where would we all have been without you Tom, I believe you have been the epitome of "balance" in what has been a stressful time for us all with deposits down, often emphasising the considerable issues Lotus are facing but questioning the lack of communication and customer service, not undeserved criticism! You have committed an unimaginable amount of time to providing us all with information that would not otherwise be available to us. The thought that your input would prejudice the arrival of your car is hideous, I do hope it all works out ok for you. I believe you have earnt a "beyond approach" status, and also find Eagle 7's dressing down to you, and all that have found Lotus to be a little lacking in some areas, unqualified! We shouldn't be kissing their backsides to spend £80k on a product that they seem reluctant to share with us!
It's one thing to point out objectively, that there's a problem, or an area that needs improvement. People will take that feedback seriously without resenting you. However, when you keep saying it repeatedly, then cross the line of being objective and start mocking, belittling and showing contempt for them... that's when you find out what happens when you've successively offended those between you and management.

Management will not tell anyone to deliberately delay Tom's car. No one will ask management if they can do that. That's not how resentment works. What will happen is a few, maybe more come online to the forum and read what's being said, then they go back and tell their fellow workers "You ought to see what this guy on the forum is saying about us.". They take a look, then starting talking about it. Word spreads among the rank and file. Management is not involved, nor do they know the reputation you've developed, but the rank and file now know who you are, and they'll start referring to you the way you've referred to them. That's human nature.

Burning good will is never a good idea, especially when you want those same people to treat you as though you've not offended them in any way. People are people. Doesn't matter whether they work for a company or not; people react to being insulted, and the constant mocking, disparaging and belittling that's gone on in here may be entertainment and funny to those doing it, but to those on the receiving end it hurts and it's discouraging. They'll remember you. People may not remember the good things you've said and done, but they'll never forget the bad things. That's the way it works.

I've requested before in here, more than once that we keep things civil and decent, and I got mocked for being a fan boi, 'you don't get to say what people in here can say', how dare you lecture us, etc. I knew some of you may be setting yourselves up for not getting any favors inside Lotus, but you were enjoying throwing rocks and laughing at the workers in the pits, and just chucked a few in my direction when I mentioned it because you were right! You were justified! There's such a thing as winning a battle but losing the war. Discretion is often the better part of valor, so it pays to look ahead and beyond the moment before you say or do something.

The school of hard knocks is a tough school. You can either learn valuable lessons by learning from those who've been through it already, or you can enroll and learn the hard way yourself. Never insult the people cooking or serving your food before they bring it to you in other words, unless you want to find out what happens if you do.

I truly hope there's nothing serious going on, as it would diminish the overall experience and ambience of being part of this special occasion of the last ICE Lotus, and the first of a new era.

If any Lotus employees are reading this, rise above it. Uphold the reputation, name and legend of Lotus for your sake, and the sake of the many thousands of new customers that you'll be interacting with through what you do, and how you do it. You'll feel better about yourselves if you rise above it, than if you do something vindictive. This too shall pass. Life is a stream of moments, then they're gone. Make the best of the moments you have while you can.

The Emira is a beautiful car; more like a work of art, and the amount of time, effort and hard work you guys and gals have put into making it be the best Lotus ever, shows. It's gorgeous and everybody knows it. Keep calm, carry on, and know that thousands of people are looking forward to receiving these works of art you are making for us.
Eagle7, I see where you are coming from on this. I do think that forums like these for enthusiast's are able to sway customer decisions. Hence do get taken seriously by Lotus, as proven many times how customers are asked to withhold information or pictures from posting here or other forms of social media. It is clear Lotus reads what is happening here. With that said these forums are filled with enthusiasts and, is a large piece of marketing for the Emira and Lotus. Even our friend Jethro felt compelled to respond to the backlash from Lotus customers on his EVO review. The criticism's are a part of the process and an important one. In the end, the owners and enthusiast's forums are more of a positive to the brand. It shows that there is a community for Lotus that stretches past the UK and a passion for what the brand represents. Personally for me have learned quite a bit more about Lotus, in a positive way, through this forum and the members than anything else I have seen online.

Now to address this possibility of delay's to forum members because of their contribution's... I truly don't think it is the case, and certainly would be very surprised if it was. I will say TomE and Emiraspain do have very credible reason's to think so. However, I do think it has more to do with production. Perhaps, the other people that have jumped ahead were told improper information themselves? At this point TomE does deserve a phone call from someone explaining this, especially after the jab about forum activity in an e-mail.

We are all here because Lotus, the brand for the romantics (trademark @emiraspain )has created a special car. I have compared it to a modern day Ferrari Dino. I have given many points of praise to Lotus when I have seen them shine, and it is very obvious they are trying to build the best possible Lotus. I will give a pass to the delay's, new factory, parts supply chain, updating/fixing components based on the journalists reviews etc. I see these things as making the Emira a better sports car. Which is what we all want. The criticism's I have read for the most part are accurate and reasonable. (Comm's and MARKETING...still would have been nice with 430BHP) I don't think the community in general has pitch forks at the gates of Hethel waiting to burn it down. We are voicing the opinion's of customer's. (still unsure if Leonard is a customer tho;)) This is part of any business and should be embraced by Lotus as a resource to what enthusiasts/customers would want, but also where they can improve. It's very well known that Porsche uses rennlist to discuss possible future product / ideas to receive feedback. Which is why I have a hard time believing that enthusiast's are being punished for being passionate about the Brand.

I know that eagle7 also wants what is best for the community and Lotus. You also have some fair points. However, to be clear, I don't believe anyone has insulted the cooks. In fact the cooks in this kitchen are the reason we are at the restaurant. The server on the other hand... well let's just say we showed up 5 minutes early for our reservation, but still waited 30 min to be seated at our table, and not because they were short staffed. Then our drink order went in, but then took another 30 minutes to arrive. The waitress also spilled a martini on my friend. Then our orders for the meal was taken and we waited another 45 min for it arrive... Although the cooks in the kitchen took some time, the meals came out very very good. That should pretty much sum up the experience.
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Eagle7, I see where you are coming from on this. I do think that forums like these for enthusiast's are able to sway customer decisions. Hence do get taken seriously by Lotus, as proven many times how customers are asked to withhold information or pictures from posting here or other forms of social media. It is clear Lotus reads what is happening here. With that said these forums are filled with enthusiasts and, is a large piece of marketing for the Emira and Lotus. Even our friend Jethro felt compelled to respond to the backlash from Lotus customers on his EVO review. The criticism's are a part of the process and an important one. In the end, the owners and enthusiast's forums are more of a positive to the brand. It shows that there is a community for Lotus that stretches past the UK and a passion for what the brand represents. Personally for me have learned quite a bit more about Lotus, in a positive way, through this forum and the members than anything else I have seen online.

Now to address this possibility of delay's to forum members because of their contribution's... I truly don't think it is the case, and certainly would be very surprised if it was. I will say TomE and Emiraspain do have very credible reason's to think so. However, I do think it has more to do with production. Perhaps, the other people that have jumped ahead were told improper information themselves? At this point TomE does deserve a phone call from someone explaining this, especially after the jab about forum activity in an e-mail.

We are all here because Lotus, the brand for the romantics (trademark @emiraspain )has created a special car. I have compared it to a modern day Ferrari Dino. I have given many points of praise to Lotus when I have seen them shine, and it is very obvious they are trying to build the best possible Lotus. I will give a pass to the delay's, new factory, parts supply chain, updating/fixing components based on the journalists reviews etc. I see these things as making the Emira a better sports car. Which is what we all want. The criticism's I have read for the most part are accurate and reasonable. (Comm's and MARKETING...still would have been nice with 430BHP) I don't think the community in general has pitch forks at the gates of Hethel waiting to burn it down. We are voicing the opinion's of customer's. (still unsure if Leonard is a customer tho;)) This is part of any business and should be embraced by Lotus as a resource to what enthusiasts/customers would want, but also where they can improve. It's very well known that Porsche uses rennlist to discuss possible future product / ideas to receive feedback. Which is why I have a hard time believing that enthusiast's are being punished for being passionate about the Brand.

I know that eagle7 also wants what is best for the community and Lotus. You also have some fair points. However, to be clear, I don't believe anyone has insulted the cooks. In fact the cooks in this kitchen are the reason we are at the restaurant. The server on the other hand... well let's just say we showed up 5 minutes early for our reservation, but still waited 30 min to be seated at our table, and not because they were short staffed. Then our drink order went in, but then took another 30 minutes to arrive. The waitress also spilled a martini on my friend. Then our orders for the meal was taken and we waited another 45 min for it arrive... Although the cooks in the kitchen took some time, the meals came out very very good. That should pretty much sum up the experience.

Ditto. Well said. I like when forum members debate and argue over performance, how much is enough, comparisons, etc. I don't like when we challenge each others intent, authenticity, etc. I know that will happen a little from time to time.

I better be able to hear that damn stereo clearly at 80MPH with the windows down. If I can't there will be hell to pay.
Oh forgot to add...

While at the restaurant which came recommended by a friend since he has ate there before (@TomE ), he's the one that had the martini spill on him, complained and even though he ordered first got his main course last, @emiraspain was the only one to order an appetizer, which wasn't cooked to his liking and felt a little sick to the stomach from it, but carried on to get to the main course. @Leonard had a hard time with the menu, wasn't sure what to eat. I was attending the meal via FaceTime and watched everyone eagerly... :( .
I remember back to when I ordered my Focus RS, ordered like 6months before others and mine came months after others, I walked away week before delivery. I was absolutely fuming, had zero apology or emails, I’d hope this is a case of Lotus not managing orders in a numerical order way.
Lotus have never been great at customer service imho but the interactions I have had have been a significant improvement.
Don't get me started on Porsche!
Some Perspective...

What It Takes: Making Cars In These Times

Lotus has taken up the mighty task that is producing more vehicles than it ever has (which in itself is incredibly difficult) while enduring historic supply shortages, a global pandemic, historic inflation on products, goods, & services, and a shipping crisis the likes of which has not been seen in modern times. All this, plus building new a production plant (with state-of-the-art technology), traveling the world to tour & promote the car, and then there is the business of making a phenomenal car at a really affordable price. These men and women are literally putting their lives at risk to deliver these cars.

Gratitude & Latitude: A measure of Patience and Thanks

I can only arrive at deep appreciation for the hard work, exhausting hours, and sheer frustration that each person who is applying themselves toward this great effort at Lotus must be enduring. For me, it's easy to look outside myself and understand what they are going through. If the only pain point I have to accept is a later delivery date...I can happily afford Lotus the patience and latitude they need. I've never had a sports car in my life. Not one. I'm overjoyed at the chance, thrilled at the idea of an opportunity to own a Lotus Emira. Whenever it gets here.

Food for thought.
Some Perspective...

What It Takes: Making Cars In These Times

Lotus has taken up the mighty task that is producing more vehicles than it ever has (which in itself is incredibly difficult) while enduring historic supply shortages, a global pandemic, historic inflation on products, goods, & services, and a shipping crisis the likes of which has not been seen in modern times. All this, plus building new a production plant (with state-of-the-art technology), traveling the world to tour & promote the car, and then there is the business of making a phenomenal car at a really affordable price. These men and women are literally putting their lives at risk to deliver these cars.

Gratitude & Latitude: A measure of Patience and Thanks

I can only arrive at deep appreciation for the hard work, exhausting hours, and sheer frustration that each person who is applying themselves toward this great effort at Lotus must be enduring. For me, it's easy to look outside myself and understand what they are going through. If the only pain point I have to accept is a later delivery date...I can happily afford Lotus the patience and latitude they need. I've never had a sports car in my life. Not one. I'm overjoyed at the chance, thrilled at the idea of an opportunity to own a Lotus Emira. Whenever it gets here.

Food for thought.
Not sure all that will move you up the order list. Worth a try I guess.
ahha.... you could be write/right.....correct there, but I dont think Leonard is too worried about timings, more about test drive feelings and final decisions. TO be honest his decision process has been the most stressful period of my life, and not just stressful, but irratic, ilogical and damn right ......... ok I dont want to go too far :)>

For me at this stage, as TomE seems to have confirmed my suspicions that dealer cars are in fact a full month delayed, officially, then it would make sense an Oct build is now heading to November and delivery at best the end of 2022....hence, I personally could handle another 2 3 4 5 month delay. Financially and anti-climatically, I would actually be fine with now getting my car in the Spring. I wont be and cant afford to just run out and get a supercar to fill in the time gap, but I can enjoy my 911 and play around with the Caterham configurator and consider a UK registered LHD car, which could have a terrible residual for me. I can invest my Lotus money in a Colombian CDT at 10% for the next 3 4 months and that will help pay for the first few fill ups at the gas station.
From my experience of owning 2 Caterhams, I can say I had them for a total of 8 years and never lost a penny in depreciation. The only problem with buying a new one, which I found out last week, is there is a 11 month wait from deposit to delivery.
I remember back to when I ordered my Focus RS, ordered like 6months before others and mine came months after others, I walked away week before delivery. I was absolutely fuming, had zero apology or emails, I’d hope this is a case of Lotus not managing orders in a numerical order way.
Lotus have never been great at customer service imho but the interactions I have had have been a significant improvement.
Don't get me started on Porsche!
This was a small part of why I ordered the Emira, as I thought the customer experience around fairness of ordering would be better than most and actually be For the Drivers rather than the flippers/polishers/collectors
This was a small part of why I ordered the Emira, as I thought the customer experience around fairness of ordering would be better than most and actually be For the Drivers rather than the flippers/polishers/collectors
I think for the UK buyers it is exactly like that. Also probably a big reason why Lotus went direct to consumer. I imagine your order que actually matter... Now Lotus USA.... well let's just say I have already heard of horror stories, customers being pumped, non-refundable deposits, ADM guys move up. It is a disaster. Even if the service and comms take a hit at the beginning compared to dealers, I rather it your way than ours.
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