Android Auto constantly disconnecting - Any fix yet?


Emira Fanatic
Dec 31, 2023
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Emira Owner
So I have read numerous threads of people (on here and elsewhere) that Android Auto keeps disconnecting with no fixes.. This happens probably 10+ times for me on a 45 minute drive and I have to open spotify hit the play button, then tap the Android Auto icon on the infotainment 4-5 times and then it restarts..

Anyone know of a fix for this yet? Anyone get an update from the dealership that helped?

I am using a S23 Ultra with the latest updates.

Ryan G
I think the issue is really down to other radio signal interference. You probably notice that it always disconnects in the same place with some regularity.

I can think of at least 3 intersections that if I stop or don't just breeze through, I will get some kind of interruption. One of those is a car dealership.

Likely this is bad signal/emf management by the business, but it's not like you'll get the FCC down to fine/fix it. If the lotus info system is using a specific radio trans-receiver and that's the issue, software stands little chance of fixing the it.

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