I do not disagree that on a per capita basis, for the size of population that Vancouver will surely be right up there, I even said in my original post I am not under estimating how many high end cars are sold over there in comparison. (I said top ten, maybe it's number 1) It is a lot from a per capita basis. But from a volume perspective, which is what we are discussing when saying Lotus of Van is getting over 10% of North American allocations for the Emira is just crazy talk. Will Lotus of Van get more allocations than say Gentry or John Scotti in Montreal, yes they probably will. But 70 +/- V1 F/E was the total allocation amount for Canada. Not possible they received it all.
I don't know about every car brand, but Porsche sells WAY more cars in the Montreal - Windsor corridor than in BC. Which is about 50% of the Canadian population. I am sure it's the same for Aston, Ferrari, Lambo etc.
Porsche Dealerships in BC - 4
Porsche Dealerships in Ontario/Quebec - 12 (soon to be 13)
Lotus Dealerships in BC - 1
Lotus Dealerships in Ontario/Quebec - 3
Ferrari has 4 dealerships in Canada - 3 in Ontario/Quebec and 1 in Van.
You can see the trend can't you..... Lotus of Van did NOT recieve any where near the allocations they said and are mis-leading customers.