Honestly with them receiving between 15-25 allocations per year I have no idea how at 160th in line they plan to fulfill the orders. Lotus Vancouver is over 200 deposits. It would take 5+years to to fulfill that order bank. Doesn't make any sense if max production at the factory remains around 5K/6K per year. Even if North America is alotted 50% of factory output (2,500 allocations) with currently 43 dealers that would be 58 allocations per dealer per year. Clearly certain dealers will receive much higher amounts reducing further for others. I also highly doubt that North America will receive 50% of factory output. Probably closer to 30%. I fear that many people with deposits in late 2022/23 will be in for at least a 3 year wait in Canada. The numbers don't add up any other way unless dealers are over stating deposits.
This is mostly due to Lotus launching the car in 2021 and not really getting production going until 2023. They lost a full year of production essentially and on top of that kept adding deposits as more reviews came out. So far North American reviews of the Emira have been extremely positive. Even if some believe the Cayman GTS 4.0 is superior, it is so close that they have pretty much become a matter of preference. Add to the fact that you can pretty much not get a GTS 4.0 allocation anymore, the GT4/Spyder is out of production and GT4RS/SpyderRS is unobtainable and 100K more. Yes, many people probably have cancelled and if Lotus raises the price of the Emira any higher than it's current price point (120K CAD) I can see many more people dropping out or picking up a pre-owned P-Car or R8 etc. Not everyone will follow through on their order, but new people will continue to place deposits.
Last point to this, Lotus will most likely push production on the Emira longer than expected. Originally 2028 was going to be the end, I think it will go till 2030 with new variants being added after the base run in 2026+.
Only thing that is for certain is that in 2024 Canada will only receive between 90-120 Emira's for all 5 dealers. Tiny amount of cars.